Jan 15, 2004 09:59
I love my show again. Because it's interesting again.
But the longer the show does on, the more irrelevant Lana becomes. And I think that was the case with the comics and it was only a matter of time before it happened completely in the show.
Sad enough, I think Whitney made Lana more relevant. There was someone pushing and challenging Clark to grow and who helped anchor Lana's stories into semi-realism.
I miss Whit. *single tear*
Anyways, the last couple of episodes have shown that Lana, really, is a secondary character. Some times her stories come to the forefront of the big picture. Often, they aren't. She has no real strong ties in Smallville left (Whit's dead, Nell's gone, she's alienated Chloe to a major degree, she's never been super tight with Clark IMO, she's not got a mad friendship with Lex either, and we don't know about Pete as he's never ON!) and it doesn't help her character.
Chloe (heh) on the other hand, at least plotwise, is right in the thick of the on going storyline. The tangle of Lex and Clark and Edge and Lionel and the Kents and the dead!Luthors and all of it... Chloe is stuck in it playing her own little roll. Pete and Lana aren't for the most part, certainly not the degree that Clark, Lex and yes, even Chloe are.
And this big mess... I don't think it's so much different than the sort of tangles that Lex, Clark and Lois are in. How they aren't going to treat Lois (as a supplant of Chloe? Chloe=Lois? Chloe-replacement-after-death?) is really starting to make me think.
As well as this whole Smallville tangle itself. So worried for my main three, I am. *shiver*
Anyways, it's just funny how Lana started out with the whole advantages but she lost them so quickly. And the longer the series does the further out of the loop Lana will become (as it's supposed to happen, I know)... yet she's still shooed in. Hrm.
I just wish her B-line would be more relevant. Whitney helped move Clark's story a long as an antihero as well as was her boyfriend and such. Maybe Adam can give her a personal balance and some how get her storylines tied closer into the interesting dramatic main story again.
I hope.
fandom:episode recap