I'm listening to my FotR soundtrack as I have neither TTT nor RotK (thought I do have some mp3's of those) . Really want to see that again now too.
VERY Spoiler heavy. (Then again, so is the book. ;) )
cullothiel (who will be known as Steph from here on out) really set up the whole deal. She bought tickets to the best theatre in town which also, thankfully, seemed to have a midnight showing.
Which is great, except, you know it's at least an half-an-hour out of town.
We left my hour shortly after 10 (we had played a rousing game of LotR Trivial Pursuit which Steph, of course, won. I introduced to her to the funny that is Queer Eye although I don't think she knows what to make out of it yet.) Mom had some old purses which we raided and filled with contraband candies & sodas -- very little of which we ate.
Arriving at the Pekin theatres I was already getting choked up. I was first introduced to Tolkien when I was 12 and really the movie verson is the last big hurrah for the series -- I'm 19 now. So I did that whole 'looking back and wondering ' thing because I'm so ponderific.
It was probably 10:30-ish when we got seated; we came in just as the opened the theatre up and we already didn't get prime seats -- this is almost 2 hours before the show even starts, mind you. Our seats were pretty good though. Steph brought her Trivial Pursuit cards and we proceeded to be major geeks and quiz each other.
We weren't, however, nearly as dorky as the guy dressed up as Gandalf the White.
The crowd was packed full of people from ICC, people I kinda knew which is down-right terrifying to say. We also chatted up
spades_sammael who we saw there by pure chance. I half expected to see Elder Brother there with some of his car friends but the went to a different theatre -- silly brother. ;)
After waiting through about 5-7 TV commercials (I'm paying $10 bucks to enjoy the theatre, I don't mind movie promos but TV commercials?!) and several promos -- including Spiderman 2 which looks awesome but not Harry Potter which made me mad -- it started.
Now I'm sure my thoughts are about to get a lot less coherent.
I loved how they brought in Smeagol's fall into the rings clutches. Andy Serkis and WETA did a marvelous job of separating Gollum and Smeagol, you hate and pity them both by the end. In TTT I was really upset by the lack of Shelob's lair -- you know I think it was almost better here. It gave tension and suspense and the pacing was beautiful for it.
Speaking of Shelob herself, it was amazing how realistic she was and how frightening. It did make Harry Potter's spiders a bit lame -- not that they weren't scary but Shelob was absolutely terrifying. Especially if you don't enjoy the eight-leggies.
Elijah Wood was acting amazingly -- really contrast the beginning of FotR where he's jovially talking with Gandalf to the point where he claims the ring for his own in the pit of Mount Doom. Such a transformation.
Acting in this was incredible all around. The hobbit actors I think were the best, Sean Astin really was how I imagined Samwise in this one -- lost and despairing, yet not willing to give up hope, he wasn't so much FotR. Or maybe I just didn't have as clear an image of Sam either.
Billy Boyd is, and really always has been, my Pippen. The sweetest and curious-est of the Hobbits (what can he help it, he's a Took) that caused him to look into the Palendir, his sense of obligation that he binds himself to Denathor... and Billy pulled it all off beautifully. God, LOVE him. And did I mention the man can SING?
Dom also really brought out the Merry that was in my imagination. The one trying to be more serious and mature -- something so natural about him. Even in FotR he was the more mature of him and Pip but after the Orcs and the Ents, Merry has gotten more responsible. Also, while I would of loved to have none of the MEN recognize Eowyn, I loved Merry saying reverently under his breathe "My Lady." Dude. LOVED.
Miranda Otto was also just spectacular. Just amazing. Like I thought in TTT, she just IS Eowyn. While I was disappointed by no 'smite' when she ripped off her helm and cried out "I am NO man." the audience clapped and cheered with delight. Also, her final scene next to Faramir where she was all pretty and glowy and soinlove, (followed by HOT Legolas) made Arwen look bleck by comparison.
I don't think one would need to expound on how Viggo or Orlando or Sir Ian rocked because they do and always have. I did miss the presence of Christopher Lee, even if it was just for a little bit. I understand that Saruman was defeated but, just a little bit, please.
The special effects, for the most part, didn't fail to amaze either. Once again things look realistic from the armies of the dead to the transformation of Smeagol to the beautiful eagles. The Ents looked a little off, but that is more than made up for with the Wargs and Orcs and the Witch King. And Shelob.
FotR was a carnival of music and places, I think that's why I loved it. And the music was almost ever present in FotR. What was noticeable about RotK was while there was great music and it was use excellently what was used almost more wisely was the silence. By comparison RotK's lack of music was almost more emotional than some of the other themes. I still luff Howard Shore though because the music is AMAZING.
I didn't cry as much as I thought I would. Probably the next viewing of it I will, what with the drawn credits which were a throw back to the SE DVD's, and the shock will ware off. But every time I was about to cry, I suddenly laughed or shivered or what not. RotK truly is the climax and I really can't wait to see all the SE's back to back.
What I am noticing is the same thing I noticed with myself when I finally finished the book -- when it's all over I want to go back and read/watch them again. I want to start back at Fellowship again.
I'm kind of glad that we didn't see the scouring of the Shire because I would be a mess. I did how ever want to see the House of Healing; you could tell and obvious gap in the movie at the coronation -- which was handled amazingly. Especially when everyone bowed to the hobbits! Gah, nothing but love for Hobbits -- especially when they came back in their armor. :D
*giggles* I just realized something. When all the extended DVD's come out, the whole story will be in six DVD's -- just like the whole story is really in six books.
There is more I know. I loved the Aragorn/Eowyn as well was the Eowyn/Faramir (which was more like a side-by-side shot) and the total brotherly affection in this. Sam's line from the book which I've always loved, "I may not be able to carry the Ring, Mr. Frodo -- but I can carry you!"
And Frodo's voice over -- it switched from Galadriel who left to Frodo, from the Queen of the Elves to just a simple Hobbit. *sniff*
This movie is SO quotable. SO. And so good. Really LotR is just one big movie itself and I love it. Love it. As I love the books. Love. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. LOVE.
I do think Steph and I will need another movie to obsess over, some how I don't think anything will compare with this though. :)
More later when I can stop babbling enough to make sense.