Drabble: Careful Vices

Oct 18, 2014 16:11

Title: Careful Vices
Author: chiralove
Characters/Pairing: Lewis & Hathaway
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Warnings: none
Summary: Robbie learns to see...

For an almost-man of the cloth, for an ascetic, Hathaway is a man of careful vices. Sweet French coffee, the burn of nicotine, the silk ties and smart suits, the Latinate quotes that he doles out like some secret, hoarded pleasure.

He shrugs and half-smiles when Robbie asks him about it. “My father confessor once told me that it’s easy to reject the sins of the flesh if you don’t know what they are.”

It is no explanation and all explanations. There is more to Hathaway than meets the eye, Robbie thinks, and so he looks -- and looks -- and learns.

pairing: hathaway/lewis, fandom: lewis, drabbles, mood: omg so tired

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