Holiday Recs, IV

Dec 24, 2007 02:29

From merry_smutmas:

What Heaven We're In (Snape/Lupin, NC-17) Fabulous post-DH Snupin, very perfect and very very hot

The Swing (Snape/Harry, NC-17) - a completely amazing fic … if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely must!

Tabu (Snape/Harry, NC-17) - hot and lovely. A complete win at unusual careers - Harry works in a sex shop!

A Thing for Dark-Haired Seekers (Ron/Viktor, Ron/Hermione, (implied) Sirius/Remus, (implied) Fred/George, NC-17) - a really great characterization of Ron

A Snaco Vignette (art NWS) - not a pairing I normally like, but this is just incredibly, incredibly beautiful

Dirty Laundry, and the Airing Thereof (James/Remus/Sirius (and permutations), NC-17) - great use of different perspectives, funny and hot

Their Private Literature (Lucius/Harry, NC-17) - don't let the rarepair stop you from reading this, it's really brilliant!

Sins of Omission (Remus/Charlie, Adult) - sweet but realistic! Very effective use of flashbacks

Third Time's a Charm (Harry/Neville, Harry/Neville/Draco, NC-17) - very hot, mind the warnings if you're likely to be squicked

To Keep Calendars in the Absence of Time (Snape/Lupin, NC-17) - completely brilliant afterlife fic

From harry_holidays:

Lions and Tigers and …Wolves? Oh my! (Harry/Remus, unrequited Harry/sentient Apple Tree (poor Apple Tree), implied Ron/Draco, NC-17) - brilliantly funny

Never (unrequited Snape/Lily, PG) - completely blows you away, it's so real

From hd_holidays:

The Simple Joy of Living (Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Viktor, R) - long but completely worth the read! Hilarious and sweet and just … so awesome. There are so many quotable lines, I won't even start … but there is a house elf named Kinky. You absolutely have to read a story that has a house elf named Kinky in it … yes, you know you do!

Firewhiskey and Fairy Lights (Harry/Draco, NC-17) - brilliantly told

Now The Shining Sun Is Up (Harry/Draco (Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Dean), PG-13) - completely amazing

On Mid-Winter's Day (Harry/Draco, R) - winter rites and smoking and Hogwarts and a fantastic, beautifully told story

A Matter of Truth (Harry/Draco, R) - sweet and fabulous.

Squib (Harry/Draco (implied Ginny/Other, Hr/RW, Other/Other) , NC-18) - one of the most fabulous fics of the holiday season so far. It's completely incredible and you simply have to read it!

Written in the Stars (Harry/Draco, Scorpius/various characters, assorted canon het pairings, R) - fabulous story

Own Two Legs (Harry/Draco, implied Harry/Ginny and Draco/spouse, NC-17) - amazingly powerful and real

Paid in Full (Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Dean/Ginny, past Harry/Ginny, NC-17) - Draco as a genie!

Hogwarts for the Holidays (Harry/Draco, PG-13) - AU, sweet and funny and Christmassy

From bestmates_xmas:

The Immortal Game (Harry/Ron, R) - fabulous! Chess and best mates … a lovely read!

A Weasley Christmas Carol (Harry/Ron, NC-17) - retelling of A Christmas Carol

Mastering the Art of Misconception (Harry/Ron, NC-17) - mpreg

Rendezvous (Harry/Ron, NC-17) - crossdressing, public sex, very hot

From rs_small_gifts:

wintersong by glass_icarus (Remus/Sirius, PG) beautifully written and Christmassy

Tell You Something by mindabbles (Remus/Sirius, James/Lily, PG-13) Really fabulous with all of the little details perfectly captured. Jealousy and Muggle clothes and everything wonderful.

The Effects of Eggnog on Remus Lupin: December 31st, 1976 by quipped (Remus/Sirius, PG) eggnog and a kiss, fabulous

Just a Bit of Luck by mysid (Sirius/Remus, R) - clever use of Felix Felicis

Love and Dreams to Share by cherrybrandy370 (Sirius/Remus and James/Lily, PG) - lovely happy holiday fic

White Tie and Tails by ekatarin24 (Sirius/Remus, PG-13) - sweet and romantic, non-magic AU

But He Frowned Like Thunder and Went Away by jamesly (Sirius/Remus, PG) - beautiful and heart-breaking (in a good way, that is)

Heat the Winter Floods by daphnaea (Remus/Sirius, R) - beautifully detailed, perfect

Pay Me a Kiss by sleeper6 (Remus/Sirius, PG) - first kiss, very sweet

From hp_holidaygen:

My Bottle of Salvation (Sirius, PG-13) fabulous, brilliantly written

Wrapped Around (James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, baby!Harry, PG) - beautiful and very touching

and tomorrow, we stretch on forever (Trio, G) - fabulous Trio fic

L'Etranger (Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna, PG-13) - lovely set of vignettes

For Want of a… (MWPP & Co, PG) - a charming, funny story. Great characterization, especially Severus and Lily.

Family Squabble (Andromeda, Narcissa, Sirius, Bellatrix, G, art) - extremely cute!

Plays Well with Others (Snape, Regulus Black, PG) - an absolutely amazing characterization of Snape, just perfect

The Sleeper Awakes (Percy, PG-13) - really a brilliant look at Percy during the war

Not a fest fic, but a wonderfully Christmassy Snarry: Resistmas by joan_wilder

Clearly, I can't read everything (though I do believe I've made a valiant effort at least) ... so if I've missed something wonderful, please let me know that I can read it too? I haven't even had the energy to start with Snupin Santa yet ... there's so much being posted and only so much time ... *cries*


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