To the Facebook spastic who just tried giving me shit:

Jan 29, 2010 01:03

"Listen here, keyboard tough guy. Just because your mom's on you case about using her credit card to fund your WoW account and to move out of her basement, don't take that aggression out on me. Just because you're a 42-year-old virgin who will only date inside of your 'online guild' then masturbates to Japanese animation and 14-year-old girls, don't hate me because I have an active enough social life that I post fun photos of myself on my facebook for friends to laugh with me.

Having said that, Mattie's a big girl and can handle herself. I've already emailed her an apology for shitting on her page with the "Owl City Sucks" comment. (Though, clearly, they do.) NONE of this, as I see it, is ANY of your business at all. All you did, by escalating the thread, was multiply the harm done by my stupid comment by 100x. Nice job, fuck wad.

This thread/conversation is basically at an end at this point. I've got better shit to do than reply to over aged mom-cave dwelling, Comic-Con lurkers. Basically, go fuck yourself."

Dear Cockring,
If this conversation is at an end, I don't see why you even bothered sending that halfassed load of shit. But since you did, here we go.
1. I'm 36.
2. I'm very happily in a relationship, thankyouverymuch. And she's 28.
3. I'm certainly not a virgin.
4. I don't watch much anime at all.
5. I've never been to Comicon.
6. I can't fucking stand WOW.
7. In fact, I don't play any online RP games.
8. You're not actually important enough to hate. That would require effort, and you're not worth any more than it takes to write this.
So I'd say you failed on every count there.

As for the rest, listen the fuck up.
Mattie IS a big girl, and she CAN handle herself. However when I see some pointless cunt giving her shit, I'm going to stick up for her. That's what friends do. Your comment was indeed stupid. You know she's been going through a lot of shit at the moment, and you STILL posted that? You're a fucking idiot, sunshine. I should fucking think you HAVE emailed her an apology, motherfucker.
And as for "keyboard tough guy"? Get the fuck over yourself, dickface. Just because you look like a cunt when you wear a suit doesn't mean other people are going to be intimidated by you.

So basically, YOU go fuck YOURself.

Oh. And you do look like a child molestor. Seriously. You might want to do something about that; I'd suggest decapitation.
Now then. Cunt off and bother someone who'll remember who the fuck you are in 24 hours.

If you tell someone that you have sent an email to clear things up, you might want to actually do so. Otherwise you just end up looking like a cunt.
Too late.

rant, die in a hole, you're a spastic, dumb shits, fuckwits, idiots, go fuck yourself, kill em all, cunts

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