Animated Icon Tutorial for PSP/AS3

May 17, 2006 19:33

Want to learn how to make this in PSP/Animation Shop?

We will be making an animated movie icon that's blended into the icon in PSP/Animation Shop! Woohoo. (I use PSP7, but should be easily translated to other versions.)

1. Open PSP and the still icon you made.

2. Go to File>>New. Change width and height to 100 pixels. Background color: Transparent.

3. Now copy your still icon and paste it onto the transparent layer.

4. Use the eraser tool and set the opacity to 50-70, size 20. Erase a small portion of your icon where you want the animated clip to be. You should see the transparent boxes, leaving a thin layer of the still icon image on top. Save.

5. Open Animation Shop. File>>Jasc Software Products>>Launch Animation Shop.

6. Now open your move clip. Follow this tutorial on how to crop and resize your clip. Make sure you have 20 or less frames. You can reduce frames by selecting all of the movie clip, Animation>>Cull Animation. Change the number to how many frames you don't want.

7. Open your saved icon, and make duplicates of it until it has the same amount of frames as your movie clip.

8. Select all, copy, and paste. You should have 3 files open right now. Your movie clip, and 2 icon files. Make sure all files are on "select all", and that the red bars are on the first frame.

9. Right click your movie clip, copy, and paste to one of your icon files>>Into selected frame.

10. Drag the clip to the part where the transparent boxes are and click.

11. Now copy your other icon file and paste it to the icon file with the clip>>Into selected frame. Make sure you align the icon correctly. Click.

11. Play to see if you like it. ^^

Any questions? Feel free to ask! I would like to see what you come up with. ^^
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