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Mar 16, 2006 11:16

Happy Birthday to Bill Cope!

So I made it through lunch with the Brady Family, it was funny, really. His mom cracks me up. So... yesterday I broke my good news to my mom...well first I told her about the tattoo, she dind´t fly through the roof too much, but then I told her about my engagement...for anyone who didn´t know, I am officially a future mrs brady....ohwow that sounds crazy. I´m future mrs johnny awesome. that´s better. hehe Anyway, I´m excited, and feel kinda safe ...I don´t know why. My mommy was surprised, but she just did the mom thing and said to be sure, and to do my traveling first, and all that fun stuff, before I finally settle down. She doesn´t wanna see me follow her and not get to do it all, but... I´m going to Europe next year, I´ll get it in! The wedding isn´t scheduled til after I graduate anyway, may 2008, if not 2009 when he´s done.

So last night we went to see the hills have eyes, yea not a good idea. IT was a terrible movie for me to go see, it was scary, but like even more disturbing, it was gross. Like blowing people´s brains out and the bad guy drinking this girl´s breastmilk, and threatening the baby, it was pretty gross, my tummy has been upset ever since. I should prolly stop talking about it to get it outta my mind.... eww.

Well... I´ve got a ton of stuff to get done in the next few weeks soit should be interesting, I have so much to do but not much time, and I start my Spanish class for Spain like next week, so... then I´ll have 3 days a week where I´m in class for 5 hours in a row. That SUCKS. M T and TH....ewww....ok well off to work.
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