Slept in until noon today. Haven't done that in awhile, and it was lovely.
Steve came over after the funeral and I did the good girlfriend listen/console thing. We spent the rest of the evening chilling before I had to get ready for work.
Work was pretty good. Melaina came up and I talked to her for awhile. It was nice seeing her before I left. Corey came up, but I didn't get to talk to him because my line was too long.
**sidenote on Corey** Before I left for New York I bought his band's CD from him. The next day he asked me if I had listened to it...because apparently all of the songs were inspired by me, but the last one was really about me. (That's why they listed me in the "thanks to" portion on the I thought of that! there's a lot of Amandas). But yeah...that was interesting. Didn't realize I had that kind of effect.
So yeah.
As I was driving to kickball after work, I was passing a subdivision on Big Bend, and this car that was pulling out of the subdivision wasn't stopping fast enough, so I sped up to like 60. And they ended up slamming into the side of the car behind me and spinning them into the next lane. I was freaking out.
So I met Amanda T, Jess Volk, and Eric at kickball, and we went to Adam's to scare him because his parents are out of town this week. We did a really crappy job at it, but it was entertaining nonetheless.
So then we sat around over there and watched "the hot chick" with Adam, Cory, Grant and Tim. For how stupid I thought that movie was going to be, it was actually rather amusing. And I want to rent it now so I can see the end of it.
Chip was driving Mandy home right as I was pulling into the neighborhood, so they followed me and we talked in my driveway for awhile.
And now I'm inside...sitting on the computer...killing time until I'm tired...I think I'm going to go read. Peace out.
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