Apr 17, 2003 21:20
I actually had my chem homework done yesterday (even slightly ahead), I worked the whole class, and I'm totally dominating buffers....I think Mrs. Scott almost died of shock.
It was an early release day. I went to Cecil's with a bunch of people, ate with Amanda T, Plesko, Nikki, and Nikki's little sister. It was fun. As always.
Later I drove Amanda to south buttfuck to see if her car was ready to be picked up...but it wasn't, so I drove her back too. We had long talks in the car. Good stuff.
We were really slow at work because of the storm. I got really bored at one time and tried to will the Scooby Doo ball on the floor in front of me to move with only the use of my brain powers....didn't work.
But Nicole came up and chilled with me. We were really slap happy by the end of the night. Entertaining.
Today was all right. Nothing spectacular happened. I went to the library after school, but I had to leave after an hour because the book smell was making me sick. I did get 7 more sources for my psych project though. 12 down, 12 to go. Oy.
I went to get gas and an old fat man told me that I had nice pants because we both had on black track pants. It was scary.
Less than 20 days left of school!!!