First Day in College (Round Two).

Jun 10, 2008 16:58

I think I can blame my perpetual state of inactivity for making me as stoic as I was today. I didn't feel the academic presence of being back in Ateneo, just the incredible heat coming off from the atmosphere and the mass of people trying to get to their buildings on time.

My two Comm classes seem really interesting. Gio, Jus and I came late for our Com 100 (or was that 101?) class (which was the first class of the year, that just tells you how our attendance for the rest of the year will go). Our prof basically talked for about an hour and half about himself, his coffee addiction, our class and adding in the occasional reference to martians and zombies. Despite his one billion words per second mouth, he was actually interesting and very quotable. I have this habit of writing down striking things that come out of my professors' mouths and while discussing on how communication is seen in everyday life, he said: "there is always something worth looking into, there is always something worth talking about." True that, yo.

We were all tired during Comm Theory because we walked all the way to the old Comm Dept (right beside Manangs) thinking that the Comm Studio was still there. So when we realized that it wasn't there, we walked all the way back to the SocSci building (which is on the other side of campus) under the one PM heat of the sun. The one hour and thirty minutes went by painfully slow but I forcibly managed to stay awake since I was right smack dab in the middle of the class - middle column, first row.

I'm gearing up for hopefully a great sem.


I was hanging out at the Zen garden with my block earlier and it's kind of funny when I think of how much a year has changed us, both as individuals and as a block. We used to have our little cliques, sticking to the people we were previously acquainted to. Now we're just one big, happy, crazy group who've spent a little too much time together and a whole lot of money on food with.

My block is the epitome of yin and yang. One minute we're all cramming a paper or studying for a test in the SOM Mall, the next we're at the nearest mall seeing a movie on a whim. I cannot stress how sane they keep me during class hours and how drunk they get me during our out of town trips.

From this: ORSEM 2007

To this: Block love (plus Bay and Jill) during my Birthday Dinner

It's probably the countless hours spent being ridiculously idle together that forced us to become the group that we are today. It helps that we're all inertly crazy in some twisted way and that we have never EVER kept our mouths shut. Oh, and the fact that we all have deep deep devotion for anything edible.

If we got through freshman year, I'm pretty sure we'll through the rest of our college life; as long as there's mcdonalds and somebody to laugh at.

first day, college life, block a2

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