Why I am not a pure atheist...

Nov 06, 2010 18:08

Dear all,

I've been reading Phayrngula's arguments against God.

My argument against "atheism" comes from questions: Why is there something, rather than nothing? Where did the original matter and energy come from?

I'm a "Jeffersonian theist": I define God as that which created the Universe (or that which created the multiverse, if those theories are proven true.) I agree with the cosmological argument, so I define "God" as "either the Big Bang itself, or that which caused the Big Bang (if such a cause exists)".

This answer tends to make both atheists and believers angry.

Question from atheists

Why do you need the definition of a 'god'?

As far as I know, above quantum-sized effects, matter-and-energy is never created or destroyed; it just changes in form. We observe matter and energy at sizes well above the quantum range. Therefore, there must be an explanation for their creation that is outside the current laws of the universe, an explanation that allows for the original creation of matter and energy.

This is just a 'god of the gaps'. What will you do if we learn more about what happened "before time existed"?

Be grateful. And be fascinated.

It's quite possible that this universe was created from another universe... and that this universe creates daughter universes. It just pushes 'god' to whatever started the root universe.

And if something more wonderful was the cause of this universe's existence, then I'll be even happier...

Question from believers

I'm so glad you believe in a Creator. Let me tell you all about Him...

I'm willing -- even eager! -- to hear stories and to talk with you about your beliefs. They're great fun to listen to, and they help me understand you.

But understand the difference between saying that the universe has a definite start of time, and saying that the Creator (or the Creator's representative) came to Earth n years ago in X country and said and did certain things.

I'm willing to write that:
  1. Matter+energy is not created now, only changing in form
  2. Matter+energy exists now
  3. Therefore, at some point, matter+energy must have been created

If you want to convince me that you have heard from the Creator, then you need proof as strong as the above statement.

Take care, all.

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