the present and the secret =)

May 07, 2008 12:59

It's amazing how my questions were somehow answered by these books. I'm now offcially a fan of Spencer Johnson. =)

When u r fully engaged in what you are doing your mind doesn't wander. You enjoy life. And you are happier and more effective. You are intent only on what is happening at that moment. And that focus and concentration leads to your success.


He spent too much time being upset about the past and worried about the future.


Being in the present means focusing on what is happening right now. it means appreciating the gifts u r offered each day.


Even in the most difficult situations, when you focus on what is right, in the present moment, it makes you happier, today. And it gives u the needed energy n confidence to deal with what is wrong.


It is important to experience painful situations and learn from them, rather than try to distract yourself with something else. So even in difficult situations, I need to tune out the unimportant distractions that keep me from being in the present.


Focus on what is happening at the moment. Appreciate what is right about the situation, and build on it. Pay attention to what is important now.


It is hard to let go of the past if you have not learned from the past. As soon as u learn n let go, u improve the present today.


Anytime you are unhappy in the present, and you want to enjoy the present more, it is time for you to learn from the past or to help create the future.


You cant change d past but u can learn from it. When d same situation arises, u can do things differently and become happier and more effective and successful today.


No one can predict or control the future. However, the more clearly you imagine what u want to see happen, plan for it, and do something today to help it happen, the less anxious u r n d present, and d more d future is known to u.


Beginning today, picture what a wonderful future would look like. Make a realistic plan. And do things to help it happen.


Be in the present, learn from the past, and help create the future.


How you respond depends upon your purpose. When you want to be happy and more effective, it is time to be in the present moment. When you want the present to be better than d past, it is time to learn from d past. When you want the future to b better than d present, it is time to help create the future.


When u live and work wd purpose and respond to what is important today, you are more able to lead, manage, support, befriend and love.


Being more successful means becoming more of who you r capable of being. Each of us defines for ourselves what it means to be more successful.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

Decide what you want, believe you can have it, and believe it's possible for you.  And then close your eyes every day for several minutes and visualize having what you already want and feeling the feelings of already having it.  Come out of that and focus on what you're grateful for already.  And really be, enjoy it.  and then go into your day and release it to the universe.  And trust that the universe will figure out how to manifest.


Take the first step in faith.  You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

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