A week after Andrea left for Germany Jump had focused and started planning for their
conert tours. They started practicing and thinking of ideas for their MCs and all of them
decided to move on from what happened weeks ago but they kept her as one of their
biggest inspirations. Hikaru had gone back to his energetic self and Chinnen who's
still struggling to set aside his feelings for Andrea concealed his self with smiles and
pretenses.Daiki had also move on since all was forgiven he had gone suspiciously happy
ever since. And the others would also receive random calls from Andrea asking them how
they we're and knowing that she is perfectly fine keeps them motivated.
Andrea told them that she would come spend a few more years in Germany and that
she'll continue her highschool there. It will take a lot of time for her to come back inside
Hikaru's arms but Hikaru has a lot of faith in her and their relationship. And Hikaru had
totally changed and became more faithful to her everyday. He is more than willing to wait
for her forever and to keep his promises this time.
When JUMP's touring came..
Everybody had given their all for their fans and they
obviously reached their goal to make their concerts
paid off. Everyone had improved and became better idols.
When the Winter Con DVD came out 5 months after it happened,
Andrea had pre ordered it in YesAsia and
when she finally had it in her hands she
and her auntie both watched it and she began flailng and smiling
because she was so amazed with how JUMP is doing right now~
She was so amazed that the band had gotten better
and when she saw the 'Band Portion' in the tour.
She had flashbacks of how they used to rehearse and
play Paramore songs.
And when Hikaru and Yabu started playing Star Time with the guitar
she began tearing up and realized how much she missed him but
she's also happy that he is her shining star even though he's a million
miles away from him.
She knew in her heart that they'll meet again and everything will
be okay and they are growing with the time they are apart.
When she finished watchng the DVD.
She immediately reached for her phone and dialed his number.
Hikaru: Yo!
Andrea: You...
Hikaru: Andy is that you? How..How are you? I miss..
Andrea: really are..
Hikaru: Andy..
Andrea: amazing.
Hikaru paused as he drop the broom on his other hand
and a bright smile appeared on his face and the 4 members
who we're also busy sweeping and organizing the basement
stopped and all smiled with him.
Andrea: You and the others had come a long way Hikaru..
Hikaru: Thank you..you know how inspired I am..
Andrea: I really miss you..
Hikaru: Youre so random Andy.. but I miss you too..a lot.
Andrea: I know.. I just wanna hear your voice and..
she suddenly look up above her world clock on the wall
Andrea: It's pretty late there ne? Did I woke you up or anything? I'm so sorry..
Hikaru: Dont apologize.. well.. me, Inoo, Daiki, Yabu, Takaki are
still in the Jimusho's basement doing our thang yo!
Andrea: You mean sweeping and wiping dusty floors? Cinderella if I wasnt
mistaken with the information I got.
Hikaru: It's bussiness, yo!
They laughed together.
Andrea: I miss your lame jokes, yo!
she tries to mimic him.
Hikaru: I know right.
And I miss your cute monstrous laughters too.
Andrea: Monstrous? What does that mean?
Hikaru: It means youre cute.
Andrea: Yeah..right..
Hikaru: Hey! I meant it!
The 4 members realized that the couple
would always be a loud couple.
And before they fight again the 4 of them
snapped into their convo.
and pressed loudspeaker.
Inoo: Sup, dude?
Takaki: Hows it going' Andy..
Daiki: And I think Hikaru does think youre kawaii~
Andrea: Hey guys, I'm totally cool~ how bout ya'll?
Ehh? Daiki? What?
By the way hows 7 doin'?
Yabu: Oh they're in a vacay in Southeast asia.
Andrea: Ehh? Hontou? Sugoi ne? Whoa~ 7 without BEST
cant imagine how that could go~ but I think they
do reserve to whine down ne?
Takaki: Soudane.. but we feel a bit lonely with no brats
running around. and no kawaii girl around like you..
Andrea: Real funny Takaki, stop being such a kiss-up,
just kidding! But I miss all you dudes as much as well.
By the way, how's Kiyo?
Daiki: Oh! She's fine!
Everybody paused and all stared at him.
Daiki: Hey~ still there?
Andrea: Are you..and Kiyo.. umm.. you so owe me
a story when I come to visit next year okay?
BEST dropped their jaws: USO! Youre really visiting next year?!
Andrea: Sou..Sou..Sou..Sou..
she said continuously while the 5 all nod their heads together
in surprise.
he jumped up and down while the rag on his pocket
all scattered on the floor.
Andrea: Calm down Hiakru~
Although it'll only be just a week or 2.
Inoo: Aww.. but atleast we still get to spend 2 weeks with you~ huraah!
Takaki: That's really cool Andy~
Yabu: Yeah~ maybe we should throw another party..
Andrea: Ahh~ Party? again? You shouldnt have to but.. it's okay.
Daiki: Awesome then!
Andrea: Im sure I'd be filled with more surprises as a year went on
but I wish your good hearts wont change.
BEST altogether: Of course not~
Hikaru: By the way~ enough about us.. how bout you?
You still havent told us anything about there?
and are you flirting with kakkoi guys there huh?
Tell us~
Andrea: Oh please Hikaru~ of course..
A plenty of them here~ kidding!
No! Umm.. everything is cool here~
kind of winter-ey weather usually
and I have a few German friends here now
and they're all teaching me great things
like smoking, drugs and...
BEST went speechless.. again.
Andrea: Im joking.
Inoo: Ah~
Andrea: Of course, the people here are
normal, like how everybody is
around the world..well mostly.
And they do not eat giraffes and
cats here so.. I'm perfectly happy here.
Although.. Japan is.. my heart..
my homeland..
she began tearing up.. again.
Hikaru: Andy~ are you okay?
of course...
I just miss home.. I just miss everything..
I just miss you...
Hikaru: Dont worry~ a year isnt that long~
And youre the one who told me not
to frown about it and cry.. well..
I think you should be patient..Andy..
We'll all be together soon ne?
Andrea: Yeah.. right.. I should pull myself together.
Hikaru: Yeah..You can do it Andy~ I love you~
and youre a strong girl.. this should have
been easy for you ne?
Youre my girl ne? Be strong..
You know Im always here for you..
Andrea: Hikaru..
Hikaru: And if I could..I would swim the oceans
for you, climb a dozen mountains and be
right there sitting with you right now..
Andrea wipes her tears and smiled: I love you so much. I know hearing you would always
perk me up and make my day.
Hikaru: Oh~ by the way Andy.. I think Johnny-san is coming to check on our cleaning now~
We did our best to clean it and wish us luck that he'd be pleased with it.
Andrea: Oh yeah...Wish you luck.. Im pretty sure he'd be pleased with a fine worker like you
Hikaru: I know right..Anyway.. call me again this morning..We just have to fix
a few more things.. I miss you.. bye.. and remember.. youre strong.
Andrea: I miss you too~ and yeah I'll keep that in my head..always.. bye.
And Andrea started to think strong and everything went on
as how it's meant to be and they all lived their lives
by the way it's written. Cause when everything's meant to be
it's always is.
What happened further?
It's all written in your imaginations now :)
Everyone :D I miss ya'll so much
sorry about the super long delay but
I still havent fixed my computer problems
but I realized that my computer is still
working although the internet modem is
still going loco.
Anyway, Im not the kind of person who broke
promises so I still managed to finish this epilogue.
Sorry if I still havent answered any of your feedbacks
on some of my fics and everything but
I'd get back to all of you as soon as I have my
modem fixed.
So I hope all of you liked it :D
btw, you can make a sequel or a spin off
or a tribute or anything with this fanfic if you like :)
I'm totally A-okay with it.
and the Chi spin off~ still in the works..
though I finished the prologue for it.
and oh PInsan, gawd! I missed you like crazy! *o*
Im still not done reading the 6th chapter of Amnesia.
I'm so late with everything here in LJ nowadays.
btw, anyone have any latest news with HSJ?
Im still hungry for new infos 0.0 lol.
so that's it.
I'll post another fanfic if I had the chance and opportunity to :D