45--Sound of the Underground

Apr 21, 2008 23:43

Right. What's with the...thinking aloud business?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a complete nutcase. It must be staying in one place for so long that's doing it to me.
--that's right. I'll blame it on the city. Might as well. It's the city's fault I can't leave. It's almost like an adult telling a kid they can't leave. Or the Doctor telling me no to wander off.[Yes, she's daydreaming] I always wander off, though.

...really, though, I don't think the entire world needs to be exposed to the way I think.


It didn't work out too well, last time.

[She's remembering the time that she broke curfew now] Announcing that I love the Doctor was a little awkward. Especially since I had a boyfriend at the time.

...I think I'm going to tape my mouth shut.

I could talk through paper! Write notes and things. That'd be loads of fun. Maybe. I should try it sometime. Test it out on Ianto. He'd probably just laugh at me, though.

Still. Could be worse.

plot: jd, you and your boyfriends, adventures in roseland, duct taping mouth shut, revealing things again, the doctor, blame template not canada, ianto jones (original)

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