Now open for membership!

May 02, 2009 16:47

I've turned open membership on, so this comm is now open for business.

So, welcome! I'm
papilio_luna  (also known as
the_tenzo ), and I just had a crazy notion that this might be fun. I'm a rank amateur at running this sort of ficathon-typed-thing, so we'll see how it goes. One thing you can be assured of is that now that this is started, it will be finished. I won't leave anyone hanging, and it is a major peeve of mine when mods disappear off in to the ether and leave their comms hanging. So, that will not be happening here.

FAQs and rules and such for the challenge are now available in the userinfo.

The Executive Summary
A Fic Remix is exactly what it sounds like: taking an already-written fic and rewriting it with various changes (please see the rules for details). I already know a lot of people who write Doctor/Rose shipfic (and related genres) and thus thought that if I were to try my hand at running a sort of organisation-heavy ficathon, I should probably start small and in a part of fandom that I'm familiar with. You can pariticpate in this challenge if you've written more than 3 fics of over 500 words each that feature the Doctor (any) and Rose as friends or more-than-friends (any era, any rating, any other characters).

Important dates to learn and know!
Sign-ups to particpate in the challenge will open on May 17 and close on May 23.
Participants will be contacted with their assignments no later than May 28.
All fics due in by July 8.
Note on timezones and dates:  Lets not pick nits. As long as it's that date somwehre in the world, we're all good.

Wanna pimp chips_remixed ? Use this handy graphic!

Questions? Concerns? Comments?
You may page-the-mod or email chips.remixed @

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