Jun 26, 2005 17:30
Well its been a long time since i've updated. lets see i went to orientation this week it was pretty gay. i had to wake up at 5:45 to go up there thursday and then nobody got to bed til like 1. i was using my cell phone as an alarm clark but i ran the battery down talking on it the night before so it didnt go off in the morning but luckily i woke up at 6:40. i was suppose to get up at 6:30 oh well it wasnt too far off. anyways i'm working with my dad this summer and gettin payed 8.50 and hour. thats not too bad since i only work 20 hours a week and pretty much work 9-2 each day. i also get a day off each week and the weekends off so i like it. so anyways allison went to saint louis yesterday and shes spent all day today at the airport trying to get a flight back to charlotte. i feel bad for her becuase my dad used to fly alot and he hated having to sit in the airport all day. speaking of my dad flying, i'm gonna flashback a litte. i got remember everything about 9/11 for one reason. i had to get up early that morning before school to take my dad to the airport. i remember the last song i saw playing on mtv before we left the house. it was U-2 your stuck in a moment and you can't get out. then at school i was in ms. blumenthals english class when they came on the intercom to tell about it. i remember worrying about my dad cause he was flying. i worried the rest of the school day all through technology and art. then after school i hurried up and got home to call him and luckily he had been detained in atlanta and had to rent a car to come home because they closed all the airlines. so that was my experience with 9/11. i still hate airplanes. i've only flown one time and i really hope that i never fly again because i just dont get along with planes very well. the only way i'm comfortable flying is if i am piloting and since we all know thats not going to happen anytime soon i don't think i'll be flying for a while.friday was me and allison's three month. for our three month i bought a picture frame and put a picture of kyle davies in it cause she is in love with him. then i took her out to eat a carrabas. i was able to get away with being cheap because for our two month i bought her a build-a-bear bunny. it ended up costing me $60 after she got done getting all his clothes and hats and shoes and such. so anyways i really like her and i hope her plane gets here safely. well i'm going to go cook myself some dinner.
Once again please open your eyes.
I can never stop believing in you.
wiht one flutter of those eyelashes,
i'm in love.
So inconceivably lost, never knowing your pain,
I ask once more please forgive my lusting.
I only wish that i was better with words,
for if i could, i would tell you once and
for all just what i fell for you.
Just once i wish i could say it.
Your jsut to beautiful to be true.
i want to give you every clue.
just to tell you this is truely love.
I went ahead with it, i threw caution to the wind.
I already told you at least a million times,
but never once was it so real,
as that last time when i looked in your eyes
and went ahead and got lost again.
I really wish that love was easy,
but once again i'm reminded that every great thing,
takes just a little bit of work.
But darling with you, its not work.
It's pleasure because i love making you happy.