reasons why this past three weeks have driven me nuts

Oct 14, 2005 18:18

ok so here we go, this all started about three weeks ago when we got the plot for the show that opens tonight. the theatre i work for is set up that the electrics department gets the plot 4 weeks before opening night or 2 weeks before tech starts depending on how you want to look at it. so as i said this story starts three weeks ago with us getting our plot a week late. not really a problem becuase we had people come in for overhire who for the most part knew what they were doing. not that bad a problem so as we are going along things seem to be going ok. our week starts on tuesday and by friday wehn we left we had most of the things done that we needed to get done. cool cool. so we come in on saturday and i go to turn on our light board which is an express 250 (which is a nice lightboard) but guess what it doesnt turn on we are not even getting a signal sayin that its getting power so fine just another bump in the road fun fun. we do what we can with finishing up stuff becuase well what else are we going to do becuase our other board is in use in the other space. fine so monday comes when we are prepared to do our focus and we bring the other board over to run the focus becuase we have set up the dimmer patch to reflect the show we are going to focus. not bad and everything. just a simple little patch job so we are moving along and everything is going swell till all of a sudden we lose power in the entire building becuase it turns out a constrcution crew has cut the primary power line coming onto our site. YEAH!!!!! so we stop regroup and rent a generator and end up finishing focus using a generator to power the lights. the only problem with that was that it could only take 2500 watts. so we had to be careful when focusing lights. so fine we get the power back on tues and get ready for tech to start. so we start tech and we had run to a company to get a new board becuase our board was still not coming up so it seemed to be once we got the rental back that it was just the power supply becuase we tried the rental power supply on our board. so we ran with it till the next morning when we booted up the board and found out that we had lost all the patch jobs we had doen the previous day. so fine we hooked up the new board and ran the rest of tech off this board and we are running thorugh tillwe bet our board back from starlite, which should be a week from now. great. so we are running through tech and we et to the first preview of the show and what shall happen during intermission but the board hicupps and we lose the lights. good news was that thats all that happend with that hiccup and the next hiccup that happend about 15 minutes later during the first scene of the second act. so thats it hope you all enjoy this story and it would be interesting to hear what kind of hell weeks other people have had
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