Jul 20, 2004 00:54
Dear Lay's Potato Chips:
I Just wanted to thank you so much for working so hard to create the best potato chip possible. The golden-brown crisp holds a power unknown to man, a power strong enough to turn a terrible, terrible meal into the most pleasant. The delicious, grease-broiled potato thins have not only saved my stomach, but my opinion of food as of tonight. They redeemed food's reputation after i ate a sad attempt at a cassorole. However, tomorrow, you may need to send me some more of your heaven-created wafers, one never knows when memories fade....
Danielle Marie Overcash
(thats chippewa for "grease eater")
P.S. you may have noticed, but Bacon is also a delectibly greasy yet delicious food. perhaps you can find a way to incorporate it into your grease empire? That would be most wonderful, I can only imagine the possibilities.