Mar 21, 2008 21:10
granted, thousands of years ago.
this is the first year that i've truly been able to understand the sacrafice that He made for us.
God's only son, completley sinless, our King, died to save our souls.
i don't mean to get "crazy christian" over here but..
we have all been blessed. God loves us all. literally.
and no matter how much we don't deserve it all we have to do is accept Him and His son into our lives. that's it! and we're eternally blessed.
every reason i've ever been given to doubt my faith fades when i'm praying, or reading the bible, or in church.
you can take away the history of the world, the science of evoultion, all of it.
and in the end, no matter what, God created it all.
the simple fact is, the Bible isn't just some made-up book.
it's a guide to following a Christian path in our lives. and it's packed with symbolism and realities too deep to write off as a hoax.
churches don't collect offerings to make money. they have to have money to give us a place to worship.
easter isn't about candy and hopping bunnies, just as christmas isn't about santa.
(i know, duh). =P
Jesus Christ, the son of God, walked this earth. and died for our sins. the holidays we celebrate are to honor that.
i wanted to cry while taking communion tonight.
it's the first time i've ever understood.
and i'm so blessed.
and so, despite your reaction to this, i had to share what's on my mind.
and i'm not saying i'm perfect or drastically changed.
i've always believed, just never understood like this.
and i'm the most sinned and flawed person i know. or at least, one of them.
but God still forgives me. i can still be saved from hell.
because i'm beginning to find the religion in my own heart.
and it's amazing. and worth sharing. =)
happy easter and good friday. i hope you'll be in church on sunday, i know i will!