Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Staying-Alive... BONUS! Birthday message.

Sep 24, 2010 23:24

Hey guise. Long time, no talk, eh? Firstly, I want to give a special shout out to a rather awesome person...

Happy Birthday Mzyra/Jess!

Have a .gif of the Star Trek gang jumping and having fun. You've definitely earned it. ;D

For those who do not know her, Jess is a mod from boolprop and one hell of a great writer. An example of this is when she actually made me cry - now, most people know that I cured my empathy gene a long time ago, but what happened with Terry. Wow. You cruel woman.

She was also in the super awesome boolprop chatbox group before it decided to go all ASDFGHJKL; on us, where we talked about cool stuff like politics, Uni and how much of a biatch Jess is for making a poor, innocent boy cry. :P

Speaking of which, it was her long, fascinating speeches that made me want to study politics. Now it's my favourite subject and all that.

So thanks Jess! :D You're a babe and awesome and I hope you've had a brilliant day.

In other news, I've taken a sorta-hiatus from the Sims community, and have missed everything that's happened over the past month. Oops? xD. I'm slowly catching up though, so yay!

Hmmm, I feel like there's more I was supposed to write, but forgot. Not good, really. Oh well.

Until next time, toodles!

boolprop, motivation!, mzyra, happy birthday!

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