Mar 20, 2010 10:54

Hai you guise!

Well, my VonNuke family has uber-cartoony defaults that are pretty much totally maxis-match but with more flair. However, I have a SEKRIT!game that is a little less Maxis-match (But still pretty matchy, bar the eyes) that I luffles very much <3. So I'm thinking about moving these defaults to my Apoca-neighbourhood after the almighty Show Biz lift, but that's not really here nor there.

Sooo, to show off my snazzy defaults, I bring you the Belladonna Cove-ians made over!

Nerdy-guy and that-guy-whos-siter-is-married-to-a-gay-guy-who-is-cheating-on-her-with-him. Forgot their names xD

Gabriel Green (His clothes suit him, so I kept them)

Chastity Gere, who is made of pure WIN!

Ana Patel and her daughter, Lotus Loiuse Patel (And the back of her hubby's head)

Jessica Parker! She reminds me of Heather, with those little GoldDigging hands and such.

I forgot the name of them >.<

And the Cordial sisters!

Also, I made me some PT replacements! Haha, modding makes you feel so L337!

So I bred them with a face-one and here are the sproglets of them!

Aaaah, my game feels that little bit more unique!

So yeah, there we are! As for an Apocaupdate - Very soon? I think we've established that I'm terrible at updating, but I promise to be more frequent in the future!

belladonna cove, defaults, pt replacement, sekrit, i am uber cool d00d, non-apocalypse

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