Check out my OTHER the interest of TIME & CENSORSHIP....!

May 16, 2007 17:52

I'm working on a yacht in Alaska. I get real sketchy wireless connection coverage...sometimes. Cell service is the same. Which is good and bad all at the same time.

So to save time I'm going to only post (for a while, unless I've got juicy news that can only be shared here) to my OTHER livejournal.

The username is mlafollette - I can't tell you what the webaddress is for sure, but I THINK it's:

Basically it's the same address as the one you're looking at NOW but instead of saying "chipperallover" the OTHER livejournal will say "mlafollette"

My mom, my dad, and other people will be keeping up with me via livejournal this summer, and that's the address I gave them. So in the interest of TIME and CENSORSHIP, please bookmark my other LJ.

But check this one from time to time, too - cuz you never know. I might just have juicy news to share about various fun facts that make life more COLORFUL. The Smart Secretaries, PeanutButterGirls, DharmaKitties, MomPantses, etc.

THAT part of my life. Things not fit for - you know - GENERAL consumption. But things that are - you know - FUN to hear about. And totally within my rights to enjoy. And share. Because I'm not violating, you know, any privacy laws. (as if there ARE privacy laws!)

But for now, I'm at a rainy dock in Prince Rupert, B.C., and the wireless connection is terribly low, and I need to sign off.

Be well, and love to you.

Adios. For now.
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