May 04, 2003 17:35
WOW...I hate people that cant't afford to buy their own cell phone and end up stealing someone else's! My phone got dropped in the dunkin donuts parking lot at like 10:30 last night and i didnt now it! i came home and called it and no one answered but whoever had it called my house at 6:45 this morning and my mom answered and the person hung up! so i woke up this morning and called it all day and no one would pick up! well then i went to my aunts with my cousin allyson and she called my cell phone ONCE and someone picked up!
the guys name was joe and this is how the coversation went!
allyson (pretending to be me): hi whos this?
joe: joe
allyson: well this is my phone
joe: i know, i found it
allyson: where are you?
joe: in providence
allyson: well you had to go to the dunkin donuts in coventry last night
joe: no actually this morning!
allyson: can you meet me somewhere so i can get it?
joe: click (hung up the phone)
I dont think i have ever been that frustrated with someone i didnt even know! So that little fucker thought that he would be able to rack up my minutes and have me pay the bill...oh no i called Sprint right away and shut it off! God i wish i was there to laugh at him when he tried to call someone and it said "the sprint pcs phone has been disconnected...!"
As of right now i have no phone but i have still have to pay the bill cuz i have a contract but i dont care! i needed a new phone anyways cuz my screen was a big ink blot! hopefully in like a week i will get a new one!!!!
later gator