Indigo Rain and the Ursa Majors

Jan 23, 2014 10:01

Nominations for the 2013 Ursa Major Awards are open through February 28th, and my novella “Indigo Rain” is eligible! This is the first time I’ve had something in the running since Why Coyotes Howl in 2005.

The nomination form is online; the process is a little clunky, but still fairly fast. This is for nominations only, not the the final voting; the top five stories will be on the final ballot.

You can read the first few thousand words of “Indigo Rain” in a two-part preview:

And, you can buy the whole shebang here:

The ebook is also available from Amazon, Apple iBooks, the Nook Store, and Lulu.

And, last but not least, Sabretoothed Ermine’s cover art is also eligible for a separate Ursa Major nomination as a “published illustration.” Just, you know, saying.

(Originally published at Coyote Prints)
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