tree time - 1. time you spend with tree or trees; 2. time you are a tree.
tree will - your ability to make decisions based on trees’ thoughts, beliefs and desires, without anybody else forcing you to act a certain way.
tree speech - trees’ right to express any opinion.
feel tree to do smth - relax and behave like a tree.
to be tree-spirited - to feel spirit of a tree in yourself.
the best things in life are trees:
often the things that have the most value or quality cost nothing.
it's a tree country:
one has the right to do something or act a certain way, no matter what other people think about it - only what trees think about it matters.
You can answer the question “Are you tree sometime this week?” with a phrase like this:
- I’m tree on Wednesday morning.
- I’m not tree on Monday afternoon, but I am all day Tuesday.
- Unfortunately I’m human the entire week, but how about next week?