Jul 18, 2006 09:59
Omg. I almost forgot about this. xD Let me remember what I've done since I last updated this...
-I've been going with my grandma and mom to my grandma's treatment almost every morning and taking her somewhere aftewards which is normally how I pretty much spend my mornings... I didn't go today. (:
-I saw Pirates of the Caribbean the day it came out with four friends. It was PACKED. o_o The show we wanted was all sold out by the time we got there and we had to race for tickets to the next one. There was this enormous line just to get into the theater. I loved it though. (: I want to see it again. Except, the WHOLE movie I was bothered by Tentacle Man's crew. That had all that stuff on their face. The whole time I just wanted to brush it off. )x
-I got over my fear of roller coasters with loops by RIDING some with my friends. xD They are actually really fun. Especially when I remember to wear that patch the doctor gave me that keeps me from getting motion sick...
-I got yahoo messenger, if you have it add me... I think I'm queenofallchipmunks. xD I'm pretty sure...
-I just got back from SIN CITY yesterday. >:D It was so HOT. Dx It got up to 112...
Favorite parts of the trip:
1. I got to see the Phantom of the Opera liiiive. :DD It was awesome. < 3
2. I got to ride the big roller coaster outside of the NY, NY twice. (: It was fun. And the view was nice...
3. The big buildings on the strip... They were so huge. The Hard Rock Hotel had all these cool old dolls of famous people/things. I reeeally wanted to steal the Micheal Jackson one and Rocky Horror Pictrue ones. xD
4. This isn't really a good thing, but I thought it was funny. I have never seen a man on a crowded toutist street corner passing out flyers for prostitutes... And the little things you normally get magazines out of were filled with porn instead... xD
The only things I'm sad about are that I never got to ride this one ride that I reaaaally wanted to because we didn't have enough time. It was hardly a vacation we only stayed for three days. >.> Oh, and just because it's BURNING outside doesn't mean you have to make it into a TOTAL ICEBOX on the inside.