Nov 21, 2005 20:35
Hey all my pllz~!!! howz everyone been?? cause well i kno i aint updated in like a week almost~~!! i kno hard to belive , huh? well it seemz like i never have tha time ne more, juss alotz been happenin in my life...and itz hard to deal w/ family,friendz, skool, boyz, and well my lj all at tha same time~!! but ya so i guess ill tell everyone watz been up wit me~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
k.....Thursday.-umm skool , home , internet all tha normal junk......[LoL]
.......Friday.-skool, well we ate lunch early and we where in there w/ John and he waz like me to give me sum money,i got tot get drunk this weekend...i sead how much? he sead 2 dollarz, but i gave him a 5 and he gave me 3 dollarz....then well tha day went on adn ew where walkin down to tha bath-room and John waz out there and he sead give me sum more money....Destinee waz like NO dont give him money....john went dont be brain-washin her now~!!so i gave him a 10 and he waz like ur my supporter,,,,we sould hook up some time~!!! shew i wanted to melt~!!! hez just so durn sexy~!!!!...and well everyone waz like ur gonna kill him, givein him money to go buy drugs adn junk...but oh well....and Justina Ramey saw me give him money, and he thought i payed him to buy my druggs and to do sum other junk.......but ne wayz destinee came home w/ my friday.../we had fun lotz fun we talked and juss went crazy.
Saturday.- we took Destinee home and i went to Goodies and bought 3 pairz pf jeanz and 2 shirtz adn a purse and shoes......then well that waz saturday
Sunday.-I didnt go 2 church, well stayed home duh. ummm everyone came up here and me and mom adn tasha went to crossroadz to get sum stuff. and thatz all.
Monday.-skool, waz goin home got on tha bus sat w/ Andy and he waz like did whitney tell u?? i waz like no i never talk to her. by this time i waz thinkin omg hez dated sara....but itz waz sumothin TOTTALY different~!!!!!!! but i not sure ima say.............~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! came home and i waz gonna go to church w/ Justina but they decieded not to....~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thatz all~!! ! kinda boreing i kno...but tomorrow iz tha last day till Thanksgiving break......yay....~!!! but ima mizz seein all my peepz....[LoL] well im outtie pplz [P.s------leave me some commentz]