Jan 06, 2006 23:40
Hey yall.watz happenin`? not much here bored as hell like alwayz.welll i think ima tell yall watz all been goin on since tuesday*. well like yall kno i dyed my hair alburn,wich iz a purpleish redish colur...and well i went to skool and everyone loved my hair*...and all and i waz sooo happy too see john...*omg he looked good*...damn.well nothin much happend...i guess....umm mathew got a new tattoo that so kick-ass...*L0L* and tasha waz afraid to cum over there to sit wit me b//c mathew and john were there and she freezez around mathew *LoL and thatz all.and thursday i went to skool and all nuttin went on...same old junk...o yeah Cody salyerz came back and at lunch he told me to snort salt....so i put sum on my finger and snorted it...and at first i waz hell yeah then i waz like thiz shit burnz...and it burt for hell and ever....*lol* and then wen john came in there i told him and he waz like i dont belive u...snort summore...so me and my dumbass did....it waz funie as hell...but it burnt like hell too...lol then thatz all tha happend ...and wen i waz walkin out there to get on muh bus john waz sittin there on tha bench like he alwayz iz and chissie waz like im walkin wit u to make sure u dont give him no money...lol...but i did anywayz.we sat there and talked for hell and ever then he huged me and i sead call me and we got on our busses...and andy thro a bottle at me.dumbass.lol well thatz all...we didnt go to skool today b//c of tha snow...i talked to justina purty much all day...and Me,justina are goin to tha moviez tomorrow....hehehehe itz gonna be fun....LoL*well ima go people Luvinz*