
Jan 27, 2009 19:44

Can two athiests get married? What about Buddist? Can any non-christian get married in the US of A?
Because if it is between a man and a woman in the eyes of the lord, then what do we do with all who don't believe in a Christian God? What if your Jewish? Does that count because didn't they throw in Jesus onto why we can't allow Gays to get married in the states?

I just do not see how anyone can deny the allowance of two people getting married by the state. I mean legal marriage defined by law vs in a church.
I mean- they are two whole different things.
If I get married in a circle through handfasting (no christian god there) I get married to the man in front of me, though the states will not see it as such in the eyes of the state, same goes with in a church w/o the legal document.

So whats with simple state legal marriage. HOW can they LEGALLY deny two people of any one to get married in the eyes of the legal state?

I'm sorry. I'm in a bit of a weird mind set that just can't see how states can deny gays to marry because it has nothing to do with god. plus- if it does, how they can't legally marry two atheists or buddists or non-christian people.
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