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Aug 11, 2010 21:13

Name/Nickname: Lisa.
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AIM: pantherascorpius
LJ: pantherscorpius

Canon Character and Series: Setzer Gabbiani, Final Fantasy VI.
In-Game Name: Setzer Gabbiani.
Age: 27.
Gender: Male.
Position and Ship: Helmsman - Serenity

Arguably the most defining feature of Setzer's is his long, pale hair. Whiteish-grey in colour, growing far past his shoulders and often found in some sort of fly-away, windswept 'style', there's no denying that it catches the eye. After his hair, the most noticeable thing about him would be the multitude of silver scars that grace his otherwise quite youthful, handsome face. With one over his left eye, one across his forehead, two on his chin and one on his right cheek, they're rather hard to miss. None of them appear to have been cut particularly deep, but that doesn't stop them standing out on his already pale skin. Although the lid and area around his left eye is scarred, both his eyes, a light purple in colour, are perfectly healthy.
Setzer stands at 5'9" tall - Not exactly a giant, but he carries himself with a confidence that can make him appear somewhat taller. Speaking of his confidence, Setzer can usually be found wearing a satisfied, almost seemingly arrogant smile. That's not to say that he -is- arrogant, but the smile will easily form on his lips. That said, he's not incapable of hiding what he's really thinking or feeling. A natural gambler, he prides himself on his 'poker face', the use of which isn't limited merely to card games.
His holds a trim build, but is still more stocky than scrawny. Many years of living on board one ship or another have earned him a few muscles in all the right places, particularly his arms and chest. However, he's far from a body builder.
With a mixture of his vanity and former wealth, Setzer usually chooses to dress in somewhat expensive clothes. The boots he owns will more often than not be made of the finest leather, his cravats made of silk, and his favourite coat in particular would feature animal skin lining, gold trimming and a high collar. It's a sign of his vanity that the one thing he'd have fought to keep after the bankruptcy was his wardrobe. Of course, he does own clothes meant for dirty work, but he'd certainly choose to wear something with a little more style, given half the chance. He prefers the stock of his clothes to be made up of plain colours, such as standard black and white. However, the minor details would always feature a little more colour, such as a cravat or some sort of sash tied around his waist. Or, as with his favourite coat, a different coloured lining, hem or trim. Speaking of accessories, he can always be found wearing at least one ring at anytime. He has something of a collection, and the way and quantity in which he wears them will change frequently, but he'll always be found wearing at least one.

On the surface, Setzer appears to be friendly and likable, if with a confidence somewhat bordering on arrogance. He can often be found at the center of attention, telling tales of his various exploits, or performing some sort of card or coin trick for anybody that seems interested. He has a love for the dramatic. That's not to say that he's overly dramatic in everything he says and does, more that he'll elaborate any stories he cares to share with a few extra, more entertaining details.
He's the type of person to try anything once, believing that you'll never know what you'll like or dislike until you try it. Of course, if he stands to gain something from an experience, then all the more for it. More than anything, Setzer likes to be entertained, so even though he likes to see the profit in a situation, it's not always the deal breaker. He can be unquestioningly loyal to the precious few that he classes close enough for the honor. For these few, he would go to the ends of the earth in order to help them, regardless of the entertainment value or the amount of money they'd offer in return. It may seem at first that it's arrogance that stops Setzer letting any old person get close to him - The truth is that a life of gambling and risk-taking has shown him that people can turn on you at a moment's notice, and the best tactic is to hand out trust with modesty.
Setzer is also something of a romantic. He's quite quick to declare his love, whether that be for a woman, a friend or something more like an item of clothing or a particular food. It may seem slightly eccentric, and maybe it's sometimes put on for show, but when Setzer truly decides that he's fond of something or someone, it's a difficult emotion to shift.
The more negative parts of Setzer's personality are apparent when something of his is threatened. Be that a friend or possession, he can be loyal to a somewhat foolish degree. He will be the first to admit that some of the worst mistakes of his life were made because something he held dear was in danger. Slightly less owing to other people, Setzer can become quite grumpy and impatient if kept unamused for too long. He likes to feel as if he is forever on the move, so sat still for too long can make him restless and awkward. Because of this, he can usually be found with a deck of cards or coins about his person, in order to keep his hands busy when not working or otherwise entertained.
Above all, Setzer is a natural gambler. He prides himself on his 'poker face', a skill that is far from exclusive to card games. It's safe to say that if he chooses to, it's very easy for him to keep what he's actually feeling and thinking from most people around him.

One of the biggest loves in Setzer's life is to be sat at a card table. Having spent the best portion of his life playing and practicing, he considers himself a professional. Card games, however, have not only taught him to win himself a fair few coins, but also how to read people's actions and expressions. He can't tell exactly what any old person is thinking, but he can more often than not tell whether they're lying or being truthful. He considers it to be a useful skill that can be taken away from the card table and applied in real life.
Setzer is also very skilled in piloting airships. Having jumped around from ship to ship from a fairly young age, and being a cheeky yet charming youth that had a way of getting what he wanted, he's had plenty of practice at the helm. Of course, having piloted his own airship, he's rather relaxed at the helm, just another place he feels rather comfortable.
As far as weapons go, Setzer prefers to keep a pistol on his person whenever possible. He's quite a handy shot if he needs to be, having a rather steady hand. As well as a pistol, he also keeps concealed a number of small daggers that can be thrown a fair distance. Again, he has a steady hand and a good aim, so he prefers to rely on small, lightweight weapons that can still get the point across.

How well can your character hack?:
Setzer would be able to hack at an Easy-Medium level. He does have the ability to be quite sneaky, and a bit of a cheat, so he would have thought that at least learning the basics would be a good idea. Of course, being presented with a Difference Engine would inspire him to improve.

Setzer's main weakness is his love of gambling. There's no denying that, while it's opened doors for him, his love of gambling has also taken more away from him than he'd freely admit. He wouldn't ever claim that what he has is an addiction or a problem, but he still won't turn up a game or an chance to show his skill. Especially if there happens to be a pretty lady present. Setzer, as mentioned above, is a bit of a romantic and therefore will show off a little more than usual if it means that the object of his affections is impressed. Speaking of showing off, Setzer is also quite used to being the man in charge. Having had his own airship once upon a time, he has grown quite used to the feeling of having people work for him, and could definitely take the sudden lack of power better. His outgoing disposition means that he will work under other people, but how well he works weighs heavily on how he views them, and whether or not he thinks that he could do better.
Physically, Setzer is far more accustomed to talking his way out of problems than through fighting. He's no push over, and can take care of himself, but he is far more likely to try and outwit a potential opponent than rush straight in with a right hook. If it comes down to a fist fight, Setzer would most likely come out of it worse than the other person, but that wouldn't be through a lack of trying. Still, his tendency to rely on weapons in sticky situations means that hand-to-hand combat is far from his strongest point.
Setzer's love of taking risks can also be seen as rather a large weakness. He's fairly impulsive, meaning he may rush into situations without thinking through the consequences fully. He's far from stupid of course, and would be likely to think harder on circumstances should other people that he likes be involved, but he does enjoy the thrill of taking risks, perhaps more than he should.

Setzer was born into a financially comfortable family in Melior. While his mother was forever present in his upbringing, his father was mostly absent, due to being a most loyal member of the Ivonian Navy. While his mother raised her son as best as she could, Setzer was bound from the start to develop a poor relationship with his father. His childhood was, as far as he was aware, normal and mostly carefree. His relationship with his mother was a strong one, and she even started what in later life became an obsession for Setzer, by teaching him simple card and coin tricks. However, when he started to attend school, he began to realise that he was lacking a figure in his life that all the other children boasted about. While at school, Setzer was happy to parrot his mother's words, that his father was serving his country and that he was proud. However, as he matured, he began to realise that although his mother had believed the words herself at first, she too had grown weary of making excuses for his absence.
When Setzer reached his early teens, any encounter with his father, that should have been a rare treat, was usually met with awkward frustration and annoyance. Due mostly to broken promises the relationship between father and son was almost at breaking point, at which point the worst happened for Setzer. His mother passed away from a sudden illness when he was just fifteen, and Setzer, being young, foolish and at a complete loss without his mother, blamed everything on his father.
Without his mother, and not wanting the father that had never been there for him, Setzer saw nothing left for him in his old home, and left barely a month after his mother's death. He had always enjoyed watching the ships travel in and out of Melior, and had been especially taken with airships, so it had been a logical path for him to jump on the first that would take him. Naturally, he wouldn't go as far as to join the Navy, not when he held such contempt for his father. He was young, able and more than a little spoiled, but was also willing to prove himself and start a new life, one where he wouldn't have to follow the rules and lifestyle that had kept his father from his family.
Over the years, and after jumping from ship to ship, learning the different trades they had to offer and becoming more and more familiar with the many different kinds of ship the skies had to offer, Setzer had built a bit of a reputation for himself as a gambler. His crew mates would often set him up with matches against seasoned card players, and watch as the youngster would take them for everything they had. It was in such a match that Setzer acquired his very own airship when he'd barely turned twenty. Certain that he had the younger man cornered, Setzer's opponent foolishly bet everything he had, including, of course, his ship, and paid the price when Setzer laid his superior cards down in front of him. Whenever telling the story in later years, Setzer would claim that he hadn't even needed to cheat. He had, however, needed to fight his way out of the bar in which they were playing and make a speedy exit on his new ship. He had gained a ship, but also some rather angry looking scars on his face, chest and arms.
Setzer named the ship 'The Black Jack', one of the first card games he had ever learned from his mother, and sailed her with his own crew for the best part of five years.
That was until the very circumstances in which Setzer won the ship were repeated, this time, of course, not in his favour.
In a cruel twist of fate, Setzer's cockiness at the card table caused him to lay practically everything he owned, including the ship, and he, like the man so many years ago, suffered for it. Only, unlike Setzer, the man had cheated in order to win, and would find out sooner rather than later that, although seemingly calm and amiable, Setzer did not take kindly to having his ship taken from him in an unfair game.
Without a ship to fly and with much less money than he was used to, Setzer worked a little and gambled a lot in order to work up the money to hire an Assassin. Anybody else perhaps would have thought that the move was somewhat uncalled for, but The Black Jack had been everything to Setzer and he wasn't about to enter another game with a man he had no respect for. With no wings, and after being so used to being able to go wherever he pleased for so long, he was left depressed and wanted nothing more than to get back at the man who had taken it all from him. Even if it had been his foolish mistake to bring his ship into a bet.
Unfortunately for Setzer, after his former opponent had been efficiently taken care of, it came to light that his ship had passed hands onto another owner, as well as everything of his that she had been stolen with. Sold, or scrapped, he had no idea, but the only option left to Setzer now was to go back and do what he'd always done before the Black Jack. It pained him, after being his own man for so long, but he needed work, he needed money, and he needed information, if he ever wanted to get his own ship back.
The Hanami Festival was happening again, and it always attracted a big crowd. Where there was a crowd, there were airships, and Setzer was sure he could talk his way onto one of them. Maybe he could find one that could make use of his talents, legal or otherwise.

Please, if you having anything good or bad to say about my playing of Setzer, drop me a comment either here or in the inbox!

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