you wont like me.

Feb 08, 2003 22:58

01. Full Birth Name: ashley marie smith
02. Hair Colour: blonde
03. Eye Color: brown
04. Height Currently: short
05. Glasses/contacts: none. i have 20/15 vision.:]
06. Birthdate: july 14th
07. StarSign: cancer
08. Current Age: 16

09. Siblings: 2
10. Siblings Age: 12,and 9
11. Location: va beach
12. College Plans: to make it in.
13. Any Piercing: 5 just ears.

01. Best Friends: weston. ted. josh, i have a few more good friends.
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no.
03. Current Crush: cory
04. Hobbies: killing
06. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: are you the center of attention?
07. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: an non-exsistant one.
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: im always late.
09. Do You Have A Job: yes it sucks ass.
10. Do You Like Being Around People: i like being around certin people. but i usually feel like they dont want to be around me. small groups are better.

01. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: yes. happens all the time. story of my life.
02. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: too many times.
03. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: the ones i cant have duh.
04. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yes.
05. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: yes.
06. Are You Lonely Right Now: very.
07. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: yeah. but more that i will and wont be happy.
08. Do You Want To Get Married: i might.
09. Do You Want Kids: i might.

PEOPLE Who Do You Think Of When you Hear These Names:
Shawn/Sean: palmer! prosnowboarder ps2 style.
Steve: o
Pat: its
Bobby: asshole
Jessica: i love satan
Elizabeth: me and weston beating up fat snowangels[elizabeth] in the park in 4th grade. and taylor telling elizabeth about it and her getting mad at us.

01. Room In house: my room.
02. Type of music: good.
03. Song: too specific
04. Memory: poppop
05. Day Of The Week: friday.
06. Colour: green
07. Perfume Or Cologne: youu
08. Flower: ughhh
09. Month: october
10. Season: fall
11. Place to be kissed: my eye. uhhhh i dont know
12. Location for dates: i dont go on dates sadly.

01. Cried: oh yes.
02. Bought Something: mmm food.
03. Gotten Sick: of my family.
04. Sang: no.
05. Said I Love You: yes to greg earlier. :]
06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: oh yes.
07. Met Someone New: sort of
08. Moved On: trying SO hard. but i have recently
09. Talked To Someone: yeah.
10. Had A Serious Talk: not really.
11. Missed Someone: so much.
12. Hugged Someone: no. errr.
13. Kissed Someone: damn it. no my 12yr old sister gets more action then me fuck you.
14. Fought With Your Parents: god yes. constantly.
15. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: HAHA! LAST NIGHT!
16. Had a lot of sleep: sleeping pills are a work of god.
17. Wanted This Survey To Be Over: eh. i guess i like it. thats how sad my life is.

which friend best matches:
[funniest] hollis. weston.
[prettiest] all my friends are hott
[smartest] i have alot of smart friends
[craziest] rachael.
[most likely to succeed] weston
[the one that hangs with you most] hollis
[flirtiest] andre
[quietest] weston when she is around people she doesnt know or want to be around.
[sweetest] katie, devin
[bitchiest] me
[weirdest] weston and hollis.
[blondest] ramsay.[mind wise]
[the one that lives farthest away] buttcrack
[the one that lives closest] josh ted lj

* ? future
[do you want to get married] i might.
[if so, what age would you like to be married] when i fall in love if i do.
[who will you marry] DEVIN!
[what do you want to do when you grow up] teach art.
[where will you live] i cant decide it keeps changing. either the mountains. or the city.
[do you want to have kids] i keep changing my mind.
[if so, how many] die?
[what would you name them] something un- ashley marie smith, how lame is that?

* ? this or that
[coke/pepsi] water.
[pen/pencil] crayon
[vanilla/chocolate] chunky monkey
[hug/kiss] kiss
[lights on/off] off
[dark/light] dark
[rose/lily] james dean
[dr pepper/mountain dew] water
[mcdonalds/burger king] vietnam garden
[sandals/shoes] socks
[*nsync/bsb] fuck you
[britney/christina] britney is much hotter
[justin timberlake/nick carter] aaron carter!
[cd/tape] cd
[phone/computer] cell phone :[
[skittles/m & m's] nerds rope
[rich and unhappy/poor and happy] happy
[tootsie pops/blow pops] laffy taffy

* ? favorites
[color] green
[food] ice cream
[song] the ashley cd
[group] alkaline trio is the all time fav.
[solo singer/rapper] die? i guess luda
[movie] rebel, donnie darko, catch me if you can, say anything, ever after, matrix, lilo and stitch, im sure i forgot some.
[tv show] that 70s show, smallville, gilmore girls, everwood.
[beverage] water
[alcoholic beverage]meh i dont drink
[subject]art and chemistry when i understand it.
[teacher] THE SHOE!
[store in the mall] if anyone is buying me a valentines present, HOT TOPIC is the place to go!!!! muhahaha
[radio station] meh. oldies
[book] brave new girl, crooked,..
[holiday] halloween. maybe valentines if i ever had one.
[sport] soccer
[fast food] subway
[color to wear] red or brown
[number] 21
[actress] im not sure i like drew barrymore
[actor] john cusack, JAMES DEAN DUH,.
[place to eat] vietnam garden
[ice cream flavor] chunky monkey, cotton candy via ynot[which they dont have anymore the jerks.
* ? questions
- have you ever ..
[cheated on a test] yes
[cut your own hair] yeah
[dyed your own hair] yeah
[been in a fight] yeah
[if so, how many times] my share.
[skinny dipped] muhahaha in day light, in my backyard. me and weston have great ideas.
[skipped school] too much
[stayed home on a saturday] too much
[streaked] not that i can recall
[toilet papered someones house/car] nope
[paintballed someones house/car etc] nope
[got toilet papered] nope
[got in trouble with the police] nope
[if so, for what] im a prostitute
[stolen something] yeah
[broken a bone] nope
[cheated on a bf/gf] never. that fucking sucks.
[fell asleep in class] once.
[gone to jail/juvenile] nope.
[been in the hospital] not really.
[flashed someone] muhahaha spiderman underwear+ emily + little kids hahahah
[kissed someone of the same sex] not if you mean makeout kiss
[gotten lost on a vacation] im sure
* ? what/who do you think of when you hear ..
[Tara] allen
[Jeremy] i can be
[Joe] mama!!!!
[Shane] capps moneyyy
[Billy] BILL!
[Tim] skirven
[Josh] aladeeeen best friend
[Ashley] is gay.
[Ben] icee creamm
[Amanda] ughh.
[Sally] g ma
[sweet pea] gross
[peanut butter] sandwich
[hay] hi
[Sarah] the sarahs
[David] pancakes
[Allen] tara
[Michelle] .young life
[Crystal] meth
[Jamie] brien
[Heather] bregmen
[Mike] over.
[Justin] love

* ? other questions
[do you have a car] not yet
[if so, what kind of car do you have] meh
[what kind of car do you want] a classic car, jetta
[do you think you will ever get your dream car] i think ill get the jetta
[do you wish u were older/younger] whatever.
[if so, what age and why] die.
[do you drink] no.
[do you smoke] not cigs.
[do you cuss] yeah.
[do you consider yourself attractive] meh.
[do you consider yourself a nice girl/boy] i can be.
[do you have a cd burner] yes
[what did you do yesterday] died of boredem sat ont he computer for 6 hours.
[what did you do today] slept.
[what are you doing tomorrow] church. laundry
[what are you doing this weekend] it is the weekend you shit.
[what did you do last weekend] smoked pot
[what are you gonna do when this is over] talk on aim.
* ? the last
[thing you ate] veggie sandwich
[thing you drank] water
[song you heard] death by stereo
[show you watched] lizzy miguire
[thing you said] heckyeahsh l e e: no they waited like 3 weeks to get mad
[person you saw] mom
[person who called you] i dont even remember it was that long ago.
[person you called] my dad maybe? i dont call people.
[person you hugged] my dog
[last car you rode in] dads

last night sucked.
i had a nightmare. where cory was mean and we were getting bombed. it sucked hardcore.
slept all day.
tonight i went to dinner with my dad.
super good bakers crust.
souppp and a veggie sandwich.
one thing im actually sticking to.
im proud. im debating if i should
work everyday this week.
more money since im grounded.
babysit next weekend. keep myself
busy till im ungrounded. i dont know.
i have to go to gay church tomorrow.

i was listening to denali.
it makes me want to makeout
in my room. with my blue light on.
its hott.
sucks that getting a guy is such a pain.
oh well. i dont need that i guess.
who needs valentines.
seriously, what a waste.

i might do my 2 months worth of
laundry tomorrow.
doubt it. im too lazy. i suck.

leave me love comments.
i need some.
being grounded is depressing.

i hope everyone is good.
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