New entry!
Thanksgiving was loads of fun! First of all, Mom left to go to savannah Wednesday night, in which I immediatly left upstairs to play Resident Evil 4. Although I never blasted the TV as loud as it can go, I did blast my two little headphones as loud as they could go, which still made a very visceral, heart-pumping experience with such a loud and explosive action game. I ended up finishing it before the night came; the game did kinda end too soon, but I wasnt dissapointed! Beating the game gave me two unlocked modes: Assignment Ada, and The Mercenaries. Although Ada was beat in only a short while, The Mercenaries, a fast-paced arcade style deathmatch, is still being played, for a perfect score with all the charachters unlocks a revolver with unlimited ammo.
So Thurday my dad picked me up, and we went to his house for thanksgiving! Over there, I found my stepsister and her boyfreind, my stepbrother and his best freind from Oxford, and my aunt Sanna. It was a little intemidating, with four kids from Ivy-league colleges starring me town (two even had English accents!) but it turned out fun. We played Cranium, and hilarity ensues. After that, we all watched The Jerk, which ensued even more hilarity, albeit this was more sophmoric Steve Martin-induced hilarity.
Saturday, my dad got the new computer! We went to Best Buy at 9, and didnt get back until 12! There were so many rebates to fill out, special offers to consider, in-house customizations to buy, and appointments to schedule that it took forever to finally get it worked out. Nevertheless, it ended out great! Dad got Comcast cable internet the same day as the computer, and its anywhere from 6 to 7 times faster than my DSL! I downloaded the Call of Duty 2 demo, and it ran, and looked, comprabable to its XBox 360 counterpart! I downloaded the FEAR demo, and was absolutely astounded at the difference in how it looked on his, compared to my, computer! I then did a benchmark on 3DMark 2005 (a tech demo program which wont even run on my PC) and was even more impressed by what his computer could do! For those who care, the specs are as follows: A AMD Athelon 3200+ proccessor, a Radeon X700 graphics card, and 1024 MB's of dual-channel RAM.
Saturday night, we went to go see Walk the Line (the Johnny Cash movie), and it was quite good, albeit the man struck me as rather immature and childish. Sunday morning, I left back to go to Mom's house, and here I am!
Tommorow is school! I'm sad!