Apr 22, 2007 00:26
And there is silence. It’s ever present smoke embraces me gently. I’m watching the sealing it’s…not really telling me anything. It’s not making me feel any warmer. And somewhere to my left a clock is ticking tick-tock, tick-tock… counting the seconds of my existence. At times I think it might be trying to say something but too much rhythm throws it of it’s course… time is passing but I’m not moving with it, I’m still back there… two minutes ago, two hours ago, two years ago. Everywhere around me there is battle, countries fighting for riches, couples fighting for the right side of the bed… mine’s unmoving, bloodless, yet somehow still destructive… the clouds outside my window part, leaving a river of moonlight on the bed, floor, table, running from my shoulders to the tips of my motionless fingers… tomorrow, everything will change and I will be living in the now, but in these few hours before tomorrow let everything stay as it is, let me drift in and out of the past, let me take pleasure in these rare melancholy moments… let me watch the ceiling as if it holds the answer to the whole worlds questions, to all my questions…let me…tick-tock, tick-tock..