May 24, 2005 18:05
whut up yea long time no update well lets just run down the basics.....ummm. oh yea well on the 6th i caught on fire and got 1st and second degree burns on my leg and ive been out of work almost all month my leg is healing well but all that aside im glad she's not talkin to jackie no more. ha. anyways ummmmm yea just been chillin at my house my berkley friends came too see me and shit the first week when i could barely walk and my girl stops by and shit im kinda bummed that it seems like no one else realy cares but its totaly cool with me. less christmas cards this year. i have pics online of whut my leg looks like but i dunno how to put them on here cuz im "mentaly incabable of computer like activities" well thats about it im out lata