Apr 02, 2005 18:42
everybody has that one friend that they go to for advice or they call up when they aren't feeling so great. That friend is more like a "bandaid", they cover up your wounds but they dont heal them and where there are mis-conceptions that "bandaids" heal wounds. they dont they just cover them up and the wound heals itself. now for anyone who reads this you'll just say "o there he goes again bitching like always" and if you say that then in fact you are the type of person who looks for people to make you feel better even though you dont realy care what is goin on in their life u just want to find a quick way out of your problems. no one realy gives a fuck what is goin on in a "bandaids" life except for other "bandaids." when your stressed out no one cares about what is goin on with you, they want you to solve there problems and to make them feel better while u feel like shit. everytime you start a conversation they end up turning into this big speech over their problems. and if you find yourself on an occasian to say the wrong thing to them they get all pissed off at you even though the things in your life might be the same or worse than theirs. they always beg to differ there problems are always a thousand times worse than yours. for example: you stubbed your toe, they can forsee the apocolypse. you see where im going with this? i have found myself in such a situation as that before, maybe not as severe but you kno whut im getting at. anyway as a "bandaid" your job is to make them feel better about there situation as it will always be the worst thing in the world, as you learn to deal with your own problems becuse for you theres no one to turn too. But all the advice and the encouragement and time u spend with this person will all go out the window the second something even more dreadful happens to them and youll be forced to just sit back and relive everything over and over and over again. well basicly what i guess im trying to say, realy is that,
i can't always be your "bandaid"
now thats one god piece of writing