Within the past few days, the following has happened:-
1. A major spring cleaning was carried out at home, which involved most of downstairs and ended up with 6 HUGE bags of garbage, each measuring about 4 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide, but no rat. Lots of droppings though.
2. The blasted rat has been caught with the help of rat glue. It was scalded to death with hot water by Kit, while I was lazing on the living room couch (not that it would've made any difference to the animal). There may be more where it came from, but we're leaving it be for now, lest they learn to avoid the glue trap.
3. Day trip to the Taiping Zoo on Sunday. Quite a number of
nice pictures were taken, but it ended with me having mild diarrhea.
4. Tummy upset from Monday right up till Thursday, and I'm almost sure that it was triggered by the diarrhea. Two doctors, a bundle of medicine and a jab later, I'm still left feeling miserable for myself. One of the docs told me that my intestines might be shorter than the average person because of the Intussusception surgery I had when I was a baby, I'll have to confirm that with mum though.