Jan 04, 2005 23:20
went to bed last night with some fleeting images of naruto. thinking when's the next time - i can probably download, but a hassle - i will resume watching it. i even spent quite a while trying to recap the last epi i caught prior to returning. i couldn't. all that was vivid, was naruto's ?!? expression and him saying 'ano saa...'. and the shrilly 'ero senninnn..'.
and so coincidentally, ivory blogged she caught two epis of naruto today. is there a much easier alternative to having to download bitorrent first? also, if you do skip by babe, remind me where i might have since stopped watching.
sigh. there's the prince of tennis too. just to name the weekly 'must-watch's.
although i don't and haven't been an avid anime-watcher whenever im in sg, i caught myself wondering what i would be doing in canberra at this time. and for so so and so many times, i would be in 2036 catching up on the animes.
wait. in all honesty, it's more like downloading and watching simultaneously.
i dislike queues. even virtual ones.