Dec 04, 2004 16:50
managed to squeeze in a short coffee session with yuanita and xin last night, before my appointment with bern at 9. it was a fantastic meet-up, as always. but it's been loong since i last saw yuanita.
more than 6 months ago? at least.
spent the initial minutes catching up. after which, we were reflecting on what has had been achieved thus far. and if we have deviated from what we had aspired to do. i say, the next step that i'll soon take, will jolly well determine that.
that aside, yuanita's still as fab to talk to. talk, not gossip. there are only a decided few with whom you can talk to. furthermore, the level of the conversation is also dependent on the people you talk to. xin and yuanita are definitely the ones that i can, safely say, people that i can hold a solid conversation with. yet, at the same time, without feeling any threat to our respective individual opinions. i love and enjoy, how people can throw their well-thought two-cents on the table, and see how much further they can go with this wider pool of perceptions.
all the better if, in retrospect, one realises the need to revise his/her outlook. cos that will infer he/she has taken more differentiating perceptions into consideration. hence, the former standpoint holds no more.
later than night, yuanita randomly, said there are 2 catagories of conversationalists - toxic and non-toxic. talking to someone whois 'toxic' 'would make you feel like going home instantenously'. it's generally non-stimulatory. whilst, someone whois 'non-toxic' would be engaging, and talk of issues that are stimulatory. more importantly, it has to be to the listener.
yl: ' .. you still belong to the non-toxic category.'
hee. thanks. so are you, y'know. even though, i sincerely don't remember when's the last time we caught up whenever i was back for hols.
no worries though, to greater times ahead!