Speaking Of Stories...

Apr 20, 2011 01:35

Yes, I have been away. I haven't been bitten very hard by the story-telling bug, and my real life - while interesting - just don't interest me to write much about these days. I still stop by here and read what those of you who still write have to say. I just haven't been writing.

Actually... that's a crock.

I wrote a play. This isn't news to some of you... but I finally buckled down and wrote that play about the disenchanted thirtysomething Brooklyn girl and her genius calico cat. I wrote it, formatted it like a webcomic adapted for the stage, and submitted it to The Comic Book Theater Festival at The Brick.

It got accepted.

Holy shit.

I'm dying.

We go up in the beginning of June. We have a director. A cast of five. We have comic artists working with us. We have production costs. This is overwhelming.

Sooo... we started up a fundraising campaign page on IndieGoGo. The address is www.indiegogo.com/5thingstheplay. For as teeny-tiny a donation as $5, you can help make me feel like a real writer, and of course help us buy costumes, props and book rehearsal space. I had no idea theatre was so expensive. I mean... I did... but not really.

Help us out?
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