See, from me this news is revolutionary because I've never actually read The Hobbit. It is also revolutionary because, while I like the movies well enough, I have yet to actually make it through the books. Every time I try, the songs irritate me and I put the book down and then eventually return it to the library or the friend.
The Hobbit has a completely different voice to it that gives it a completely different feel. I'd tell you to ignore the songs but you'd actually miss some of the story. The first time I read the trilogy I had to substitute english names for the pseudo norweigan ones that Tolkien used. That helped a lot. But yeah, the songs can get on your nerves. So can the chapter long description of how the grass waves in Rohan in Two Towers...
Yeah, see... it's the stuff about the grass that gets me. Kinda like when I was reading Grapes of Wrath, those chapters about the turtle were labourious, and made me hate my life.
I'm with 'ya. Dickens and Tolkien kill me with their ability to describe someting over ten pages. And the worst part about it you can't skip it because it becomes freakin' important in a later chapter.
I am enjoying The Hobbit, aaaaaaack!!!
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