Jan 20, 2005 23:17
some butt-ugly crazed bitch that i used to know responded to my last entry. The line about, "in middletown i could have any girl i wanted," clearly this is an exaggeration. i am in no ways a stuck up person. i have good self-esteem and i like who i am (altho its taken me years to truly accept myself). that being said, i dont think im a super-good looking guy, or have the greatest personality. i DO atract a lot of women and i WAS popular in m-town and ill be the first to admit that a lot of my popularity came from being in the band(s) and all that.. but whats so wrong with acknowledging that? people tell me im good looking all the time and i just shrug or laugh it off. im just a simple, normal guy and i dont wanna give anyone the wrong impression. this bitch wanted to judge me and thats fine.. i welcome ALL comments, itsa free country, i can take the heat.
today: decided to go to the mall at the last minute just so i could show off my, "i luv my penis" shirt and pleather pants.. lotsa gurls were laffing but there wernt all to many ppl there..i was way bored and i was thisclose to running around in my thong but then i thought better of it..i ran into that really tall girl from blockbuster that i geuss is friends with jordan.. she was really suprised to see me and she loved my shirt but then she took off to find her freinds before i could start a convo with her :( ive been skipping lunches to save cash and shed a few pounds but tonite i made my rounds at mickey d's and del taco. i told tiff that i can make some extra dough if i rented my ass out as a wrecking ball!!