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Okay, I really like this song.
I'm going to start by saying how it's been a while. Like a really long while. Like dial up long.
My bad?
So yeah, a quickie unfortunately only b/c you know, I'm lazy and it is still Christmas. Right now mom is baking cookies for Enterprise, the car rental place, and she's watching her Filipino soaps. Dad is conked
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SO your bad. ::pokes it:: but you've been a busy woman.
Your mom is baking for...?! Is it to be nice? Like giving the mailman a present at Christmas?
Hey! TV? When? (GO ORLANDO!)
::childish voice:: I want pics/ vids.
...-_-; sorry man. wish I could help cheer your Mom's day. And I hope that it improves now that the holidays have only New Year's left to go. ...Naps are nice though?
w00t, Outback
Your Mom buying presents: (Maybe she just likes it when your Dad has a new and interesting smell?...I...Idk...) Score for new watches! I...what is a "goldenrod" shirt? 'Splain please?
Everybody's strapped these days. Let's just say I'm lucky I don't pay rent.
And you'll find work. If there is work to find, you will find it. You're persistent like that.
Quarantined section:
Lola (can...can I give her a terrible nickname instead? She's not MY Lola, after all): She thinks YOU'RE wasting time at school?!!! Instead of ::tries not to look at a different person probably sitting near you right now, finishes lamely:: other people?
"Who is this?": "THE HOBO THAT GOT INVITED HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! THAT'S WHO! BAHHH! BAHHHH!" ...Idk. I think I'd try to convince her that I'm dangerously insane at this point.
Vs. the conversation with your brother: ....-_- oh man.
On the other hand, do you really want to talk to her longer? 0_o
Back to nice people people everyone else:
Awww, your cool Lola N, another one whose name I can't pronounce without sounding like a fool. Awe-some.
:D I like your Popeye.
Hehe. SHU Crew is the best. GO US!
The SD card is from Kev and Tarra too. ^__^; It’s for with the…well. Duh. ::stops explaining::
Box: LMAO ...yeah. I had that sucker all ridiculously taped up and shit, and then I look down at my hand, and there, next to the tape? Bra-thing. Totally not undoing that box. XD I'm glad you got a kick out of the note and the tape however.
....O_O parts of the tree was supposed to be kind of..Idk. More like "Hey look, you're part of my Christmas!" not really so much "and next time I’ll send you a larger piece of your relative, so you better pay me in cookies" ._.
I like the message on the slippers. You can be comfortable AND sarcastic. "I'm too tired to say anything so just look at my feet."
Purple Tissue shirt?!!! WTF? ::so confused:: is it because it's thin or...? O_o Nvm. Don't want to know. LOL
SD card- it's only compatible with certain things, but definitely with the photo-frame, (I checked I swear!) so hopefully that works out. ^^;
ChocolateHAZELNUTcookies. I can't bake quite like you... but everyone likes treats! ^^; Haha
The orange: That is chocolate for violent people. you have to smack it before you can consume it. I, of course, enjoy it immensely. (You just can't open it quietly, that's all. ...WHACK)
Yeah...wrong coffee. ^^; I meant to get you choco hazelnut. But I'm glad your Dad likes it!
New Holiday Hobo Angel.
Set the tiny men on fire. ...wait, that sounds wrong.
pic/ music: I meant to fill it with pics. I ran out of ones I hadn't already sent last time. so! music. some of which I'm really fond of, or which gets stuck in my head often, some possibly chosen at random because God was I tired. "This is a good song, right? ....zzzz"
I figured the memory hanger, in addition to showing pics, might help you find a place for smaller items and lessen the crowding on daas bookshelf. or something. Look, it was purple. LOL
I didn't even REALIZE that the lying picture frame had something written on the back about recording shit till later. I stared at it. I tried to figure out how that might work. FAIL.
um....the purple wallet is FROM/bought for the benefit of the Nicaraguan charity. SHU had a fair trade fair (<---WTF, words?) thing I went to with Alyssa. And you have to include at least a little money (like a lucky penny!) when you give a purse or wallet, etc, for good luck! :D
Merry Christmas :D
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