Oct 01, 2005 00:04
what a fucking week. It is rush week and it is just chaos for me. I am just so burnt out right now. Trying to balance everything. From being a full time student aiming to get a 4.0 this quarter with three classes, an administrative intern for the Volunteer Center, Sales Lead at AE, and Fellowship VP for APHIO. I barely have time for anything. I have to start packing soon, becuase I have to be up at 7 am tomororw to go to an ALL U Leadership Conference. I havent been home more than an 8 hour per day to get some rest. I barely get 8 hours and with everyone getting sick around me, I want to get my rest, but I can't. I find myself going from work to school to work and back again. I am either at those two places, stopping by home to check mail and stuff. I hope the rest of the quarter will die down once rush is over, but I doubt it. I want to do PCN this year, and more invovled in other stuff, but we will c. Alright I need to go...if I am cranky to you I am sorry, it's been a long day.