CHINGUX 2014: howl boy (1/1) for jakeun

Aug 30, 2014 00:00

Author: idolkiller
Recipient: jakeun
Pairing/Focus: OT4 (hints of Chanyeol/D.O, Baekhyun/Chen)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: N/A
Length: 6.2k
Summary: Kyungsoo is a werewolf, which means he can't afford to be picky about a lot of things, including roommates. post-Hogwarts Harry Potter AU.
Notes: I am not the most well-versed in HP au, so ( Read more... )

ship: chanyeol/d.o, ship: baekhyun/chen, ship: ot4, cycle: summer 2014

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jakeun August 30 2014, 16:51:36 UTC
ahhh this is so amazing and i have a lot of feelings ;~; your writing is really rich and detailed and really pulled me into the world you (kind of) created, so first and foremost this was a super enjoyable read. i also really enjoyed seeing how you interpreted my prompts and that this is post-hogwarts! i didn't expect that at all but i love it because the issues wrt kyungsoo suddenly become a lot more real, and there's suddenly a lot more at stake, and you handled it really well

AND EVERYTHING IS PERFECT. i knew i was going to love this as soon as they turned kyungsoo into a penguin (Kyungsoo later blames it on animal instinct, but in a second he's lunging to give Baekhyun a hard peck perfect!!!), and all of their stupid banter, and then even in between all of that you added these perfect beats of emotion - "This is the last thing you need, huh?" What, Kyungsoo thinks, more time confined to an inhuman form? that kind of made my heart ache. i think werewolf kyungsoo is really interesting because he's already sort of the odd one out in chinguline, just his general personality, and having him be a werewolf in this universe really amplifies that? but instead of pushing him further away it kind of brings them closer ;;

and i loved the way you handled kyungsoo considering moving out - it went from not seeming that serious, to shit this is serious. but it wasn't exactly surprising because you had kept kyungsoo's werewolf problem at the front of my mind, and a constant thread throughout kyungsoo's thought process because he could never really relax, even around his roommates. chanyeol being in the magical creatures department was a really nice touch (and let me add that baekchen cohosting a radio program!! so perfect) that i felt added a lot of depth to the situation

and the best best part: the chinguline interactions. their easy banter and shenanigans and even when kyungsoo was annoyed at the beginning and wanting to move out he had to protect jongdae and not tell heechul anything, even with some possible negative repercussions for himself? and his revenge prank, knowing baekhyun so well that he can get him even when he wears jongdae's shirt lmao that was great. and then when he catches jongdae with the penguin potion ;~~~; those tense moments of emotion, kyungsoo feeling betrayed even though he knew they didn't mean it maliciously, there must have been a reason, and it's like he trusts them so fully even after that, even while he's mad at them. and then!!! turning into a werewolf and running straight to them, letting them rub him like a lil puppy, FUCKING There are no reins on a beast's desire, but his has only led him here. i just got this intense wave of chinguline emotion. i will never get over this line. they're like his pack ;A; willing to risk everything just to keep him there ahh they love him so much and i love the way you write their dynamic SO MUCH

but there aren't easy resolutions :( and as a werewolf kyungsoo has to make sacrifices for them, but i enjoyed how you handled all of those issues, bc the fact that kyungsoo is a werewolf doesn't just go away. the ending is so perfect!!! sobs kyungsoo not wanting them to get a dog and Kyungsoo figures after last month, they already have enough ammunition on his affections. ;~; so perfect he likes them so much and hates that so much

ANYWAY i'm sorry for this rambling mess but i loved this fic and it gave me intense chinguline feelings and tysm for writing it! ♥


idolkiller September 7 2014, 00:11:03 UTC
OMG lskdjf sorry for the late reply, i am so short on time these days, but OMG this comment is way too nice sob I'M SO RELIEVED...... i'm really really glad u enjoyed the fic--i was p nervous when it was posted bc i was still in that exchange stress mindset where you hand in your submission and you're like "EVERYTHING IS AWFUL" but ahhhhh thank u so much for your kind words ;;;;;; all of your prompts were rly cute and i was like HOW CAN I COMBINE SOME OF THESE SO I DON'T HAVE TO PICK ldskfj i was excited to be finally trying my hand at an HP au so also ty for that opportunity *___* man, CHINGULINE IS NEVER MORE PERFECT THAN AS A SET, ot4 foreverrrrrrrrr


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