getting ready....

Aug 13, 2004 07:22

hiiii everyoneeee i am so fricken tired right now! and i have to get ready for school! i am so off track from summer break and getting my sleep! Lol yeah, i really dont feel like going to school today! lol sucks for me! haha yeah also right now my brother is sleeping on my bed.....he told me to wake him up at 7:10 and he'll just talk in his sleep to me (not even making sense) so i tryed again at7:30 and he wont listen to if he is late it is his falut! he's even laying the wrong way on my bed! his feet are where the pillows go and his head is at the bottom of the bed! ok well he really doesnt look comfortable....haha ok i'm gonna try to wake him up again and then i'll tell you what he says........waking him up.......... ok..........shaking him...............................................................geverjerfidmfd..........hahahhaahahahahaha that is waht he said!! i'm serious too! he is being really weird! hahha ok now its 7:40 and i have to try to wake him up again so i better go!! ok i love ya all! ok bye!

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