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Oct 04, 2006 00:44

farscape season 3 part 2 roundup.
beginning with Revenging Angel I watched the rest of the season in two sittings and left Dog with Two Bones for a single-ep-viewing and still I didn't like it. that much. it feels rushed, like if their production schedule got delayed with the tremendous Into the Lion's Den 2-parter and they only had like 4 days to have this ep ready. it has the emotional weight of Talyn's burial and the infamous coin toss scene with John and Aeryn, but the editing comes short. I checked on imdb who directed it and the guy is also responsible for directing 17 other episodes so I really don't understand. I do get that John was probably just as confused as the viewer is, but was that really the reasoning behind the ep's structure or is it just farscape yet again trying new stuff?
as for the season in general, I really wish they could've/would've done more episodes with the crew divided amongst Talyn and Moya...
oh &a random thingy: this set of eps features even more irritating characters than Raxil: the blue goons from Into the Lion's Den: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. man, were those two annoying or what!!!!?!

continuing with what I wrote in my prev fs post I wish to add those to my fav moments of this season.

Revenging Angel
Jool's confession that the reason she went inside his ship (and frelled it, unintentionally, for which D'Argo, unintentionally, almost killed Crichton) was that she wanted her and D'Argo to have sth to talk about.

JOOL: I know... that I can be... difficult. That no one wants to spend time with me. You're someone... who... I like, and I know... that since the problems with your son and Chiana... that you've preferred to be alone... in here. I just thought... if this is so important to you... that maybe... maybe if I learned a little about it... we might have something to talk about.

Jool and Crais playing doctor over the disintegrated body of a Boolite.
and John and D'Argo discussing John's fashion choice.

John is holding out two shirts in either hand
CRICHTON: Which one, green or black?
D'ARGO: This is not the time.
CRICHTON: D'Argo! Green or black?
D'ARGO: Well, the black of course!
John immediately discards the green shirt.
D'ARGO: I mean, far be it from me to say, but I've always thought that the cut of that green shirt doesn't suit the shape of your body.

I-Yensch You-Yensch
Rygel's interaction with Scorpius almost as if they were equal, as if they had equal respect and equal contempt for one another. I think we're way past Rygel's days of being scared.

Into the Lion's Den: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
the image of Scorpius standing amongst the devastation on the steps while water comes down them to the chilling musical piece Salve Me by Guy Gross.
John and Scorpius exchanging bracelet codes in the same spot as the prev scene to the muscial piece Lacrimosa by Guy Gross.
and then of course there's the Crais and Talyn's final fight preceded by Crais' confession and relaying of his plan. it always ends in hot tears for me...Talyn Starburst.

Dog with Two Bones

AERYN: I'm afraid it's not that easy for me, you see... you died. I watched that happen and yet you're still alive. I have to go.
CRICHTON: Then say good-bye.
AERYN: We don't say good-byes.
CRICHTON: We do this time. You see, you leave, and then you come back and I-I can't... handle the in between, Aeryn. Say good-bye.
AERYN: Fine. Good-bye, Crichton.
She's one step past him and he grabs her arm, spinning her to face him.
CRICHTON: John! My name... is John. "Good-bye, John," to my face.
Suddenly furious, Aeryn pushes him away, and he stumbles backward.
AERYN: Guarantee you won't... (She pushes him again.) die in my arms again!
CRICHTON :Guarantee you won't die in mine!
Angry, he pushes back, hands slapping against her shoulders as hers struck his.
AERYN: I can... (She shoves him backward again.) by leaving!
CRICHTON: (hurt) Do you love John Crichton?! Not him... not me. John Crichton.
AERYN: (whispering) Yes.
He leans in, trying to match his lips to hers; their lips finally meeting in a slow all too brief kiss. He pulls back slightly.
CRICHTON: Then what does that taste like?
AERYN: (whispering, eyes closed) Yesterday.
CRICHTON: (with a bitter grunt of a laugh) Well, nobody can compete with that. I am so much better dead.
AERYN: I can't do this again.
CRICHTON: (shouting with a voice choked by unshed tears and thinly reined anger) And I can't let the one thing I love fly away in a crappy little ship!!

Oh so many, so many. I didn't even realize until I started writing them down. *pleased*

farscape season 4 part 1
for all the promotion S4 got - after all it was the most heavily promoted season, a new SciFi Prime/SciFi Friday with Stargate SG-1's S6 - it has a really weak start. I cannot image someone getting into Farscape after watching eps 4x01-4x03 :( but then Lava's A Many Splendored Thing is such a funny ep; there are moments where I just burst into laughter! the subsequent eps dealing with Aeryn's return are again... a bit of a disappointment. although this shot is so *good*. but I Shrink Therefore I Am is a cool ep. the Coreeshi's comment on Crichton being a formidable opponent (...and ingenious) cracks me up! and it's such a cool ep, John being the hero of the action and giving a cold shoulder to Areyn... it's also the first ep that Noranti doesn't annoy the crap out of me. her floating all witch-like outside Moya's front portal is such a cool sight, heh:) and also Sikozu's talk with Rygel really opened me up to her character. this is a good ep for her. first in John Quixote the ep starts with her "Do you care for a game?" to Scorpius - in her teasing-yet-not voice and then in I Shrink Therefore I Am her reasoning in the containment capsule after she and Rygel have been miniaturized is such a good piece of dialog as well for her as for Rygel.

I Shrink, Therefore I Am

SIKOZU: (annoyed) Wake up! Hynerian, wake up!
RYGEL: My name isn't 'Hynerian'. It's Rygel the Sixteenth. You may call me 'Dominar'.
SIKOZU: This is scarcely the time to obsess about how you're addressed. Look around you!
RYGEL: One more prison. So what? I've seen far worse.
SIKOZU: Do you have any idea how small you are?
RYGEL: You're not exactly a giant yourself.
SIKOZU: You have been reduced in size! You're hardly bigger than a filima bug now! (She looks around a bit frantically.) Except... except this can't be happening.
RYGEL: (sighing) Can't it?
SIKOZU: No... no. Reduction by... proportionately subtracting atoms would... leave our brains too simple to function.
RYGEL: So? Maybe they just made all our atoms smaller.
SIKOZU: But then we couldn't breathe normal sized air molecules, don't you see? No. No. This isn't happening because... it is not possible.
RYGEL: Your brain isn't functioning. Do you think this is all just a hallucination? Do you like that explanation better, hm?
SIKOZU: No... but I simply cannot comprehend how...
RYGEL: Neither can I. Who cares? We're here, they did it, and that's that. You consider yourself intelligent?
SIKOZU: (angry) Yes, I do.
RYGEL: Then stop behaving like a child.
SIKOZU: I am not a child!
RYGEL: (makes a disbelieving noise) You're an infant! You've studied but you haven't experienced. You know nothing of life.
SIKOZU: (sweetly insincere) And you do?
RYGEL: I've been around long enough to know how ignorant I am. I don't assume the universe obeys my preconceptions. Hah! But I know a frelling fact when it hits me in the face.

as for the unforgettable John Quixote, Stark annoys me to no end in this ep, yet that's intentional:) Jool as a witch in a cage is a welcome sight, heh. I liked her. and then of course there's Aeryn as a princess with a delightful Southern accent. and then there's the kiss... *sigh* oh gentle goddess!

next A Prefect Murder... until next time!:)

quotes edited from here

season 3, season 4, quotes, rant, picspam, farscape

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