re-watching Farscape [part 2]

Sep 16, 2006 00:32

I'm up to Zhaan's parting episode in S3, therefore I think it's high time I wrote down my thoughts on S2. I was meaning to put sth here after watching Look at the Princess trilogy, but I somehow never got around to writing anything. however, those eps got my thoughts running constantly around Farscape and I quickly finished with the entire season. LATP, serving as one giant ep, is simply mind-blowing! just when I was sure that a list of fs-seasons from most fab to least fav would go like this: S3, S1, S4, S2; LATP created major doubts about the order. LATP is funny, hilarious at times, deeply moving, it got me all choked up now and then, got me frustrated at some characters: Aeryn, D'Argo,... and I enjoyed some characters: Rygel, Katralla, Jena,... more than I thought I would. it was simply TV at it's best!

If I were to choose my fav ep from S2 it would have to be a tie of several eps. being 9 episodes into the season, ep 9 would be my choice. Out of Their Minds is a cracktastic ep, Ben's impersonation of Rygel is brilliant! with previous eps not always up to par and quite frankly a bit disappointing, I thought nth could be more enjoyable than the insanity and silliness of Out of Their Minds. not to sound overtly negative only 2 out of the first 8 episodes, meaning Picture if You Will and Dream a Little Dream, are the ones I perceive as not up to par. the S2 premiere is as satisfying as it gets! my displeasure with those two particular eps may have sth to do with my not enjoying the character of Zhaan that much (and she features prominently in those), not that I didn't like her, obviously, but she was never a favorite, I guess. gotta add, I'm one of the few that enjoyed Jool immensely, also.

So having said that, with LATP and LGM trilogies, I cannot pick out without hesitation a fav ep from S2. Liars Guns and Money (1) A Not So Simple Plan takes a lead at this point in time; John feeling subdued by Harvey opens up to Aeryn, she is obviously worried and they finally begin to realize just how strong their connection is. I love their kiss in this ep, it's so passionate, yet comes about so unexpectedly, it just happens, without all the hype that most other shows tend to put around such moments, and it is simply *perfect*. also the scene with Scorpy and Crichton, when Scorpius commands him to change the cooling-rod in his head, is so powerful it stops me breathing every time I see it! it's so intensely shattering. however, Look at the Princess (2) I Do I Think is a close 2nd: gotta give credit to the craziness and emotional resonance of the scene up at the cargo runner, when John goes all round mad on Braca and subsequently launches himself into space.

the same as I did in my S1 post, here are the best quotes of the seas, imho. I won't even try to pick a favorite;)

RYGEL: I never run away! I strategically maneuver! (Crackers Don't Matter)

AERYN (to Rygel): The only thing you've ever assaulted is a plate of food cubes. Now shut up! (Crackers Don't Matter)

D'ARGO: He sucks the life force out of people.
JOHN: He just plain sucks.
(Picture If You Will)

AERYN: You know, that time when he asked me to go with him, he said, “You can be so much more.” That was exactly what you said to me on the first day I was here.
CRICHTON: And you... say you think... you love this man?
(The Way We Weren't)

CRICHTON: No, no, I'm okay, I just need a gun. (My Three Crichtons)

CRICHTON (to the Scorpy in his head): You're Harvey? Or is it Clarence? ... Guardian Angel? ... Invisible Rabbit ... Harvey ... ? Harvey.
(Won't Get Fooled Again)
references to Jimmy Stewart's movies
Harvey (1950): Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) is a mild-mannered, pleasant man, who just happens (he says) to have an invisible friend resembling a 6-foot rabbit.
It's a Wonderful Life (1946): An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would had been like if he never existed.

season 2, quotes, rant, farscape

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