Grey's Anatomy Promos & O.C. & Stargate

Sep 03, 2006 03:31

grey's promos!! so lovely!! ( 1 more) ( 2 more) I like the new trend this promo-season, to have the promotional-shoots be in 'civilian' clothes. Stargate was first. They released Atlantis weeks before SG-1 and I remember my immediate thought was: if only they'd do it with Stargate SG-1 and they did(!) and the result was cool and funny if you look at the wardrobe choices for Chris Judge; but only if you squint your eyes! what is up with the airbrushing!? holy crap, Claudia Black and Ben Browder were stunningly hot in their Farscape PKW promos. don't tell me that after 3 years they suddenly need so much airbrushing!? the same goes for the rest of the cast. I'm happy they did any sort of photoshoot after shunning SG-1 (no s8 promos, yet Atlantis gets 2 photoshoots that year) in favor of Atlantis, but the season 7 promos are flawless. pure elegant scifi is what they emanate, but the s10 promos...leave much to be desired or rather much to be uncovered.

as for civilian clothing, we see it now with Grey's Anatomy S3 promos. simple. clean. high res, yet no excessive airbrushing.

OC promos, nice idea, clean and efficient. all in one shot. both the individual promos and the group shot taken from one photo. They recently also released an additional photoshoot for Benjamin Mackenzie (my fav). smart move. after they bailed on their primary starlet they need to focus on their hero and promote it entirely as a series around this one character rather than as an ensemble that somehow was one too much last year.

the o.c., grey's anatomy, stargate sg1, stargate atlantis, promos

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