
Jan 29, 2012 17:25

I’ve finally watched Deadwood and I *love* it!!!! It has to be the best show HBO *ever* made.
Granted, I didn’t feel like this about it from the beginning.
I’ve recently had a break from watching some of my shows and wanted to try sth new.
To fill the gap between seasons of Game of Thrones:)
So I looked up the 1st season and downloaded the first 2 episodes.
I watched the 1st and was rather put off by it. The people were filthy and were behaving obscenely. Farting and barfing and pissing in the street. I was positively disgusted and couldn’t imagine how someone might enjoy watching this. I decided it wasn’t for me, but after a couple of days, I decided that if my cousin liked it so (and let’s be honest he's been right all along with A song of Ice and Fire) and if my aunt liked it so, then there must be sth to it.
So I watched the 2nd episode and it was even worse than the 1st one!
I admit the production quality was superb! And the music was engaging but the characters were so dirty - both literally and figuratively!
So a couple of days passed and I thought I wasn’t going to watch any more episodes, but I kept talking about it! To everybody! Everyday! I couldn’t shake it. I talked about it at home. I talked about it at work. I called my sis and told her what an awful HBO show I’ve just seen;) So after a week of it constantly being on my mind and somehow weaseling itself into my every conversation, I watched the next 2 episodes and if you remember what happens at the end of episode 4 - you know I just couldn’t leave it at that. I was done with the 1st season by the end of that 2nd week. The 2nd season took me a couple of days and the 3rd season - since I knew it was (alas!) the last - I stretched to last more than a few days. But still it took me less than a month to get through the entire series.

I have to admit the 3rd season was slightly disappointing and the 2nd season was a sort of disillusionment for the romantic pairing I involuntarily started shipping so hard at the end of the 1st season!! I mean, I remember how my cousin advertised this show for me - that it was about the creation of society and mostly about these two men; and I asked about the women characters - if there were any strong female characters on this show; and he said there were some, but it was mostly about these men. So I wasn’t expecting much from Alma Garret or Trixie - and thus I was completely taken by surprise with the romantic tension that started appearing in the scenes between Alma and Bullock.

Also I wasn’t expecting I’d be so emotionally swept by the storylines.
I mean, the season 1 finale was so superbly crafted - with the tensions rising constantly throughout the 60minutes with *all* the storylines, so that when Bullock punches Alma’s father to a pulp and then in that scene in the thoroughfare picks up the sheriff star from the mud - I laughed out loud! There was no better reaction to it, just a complete release of feelings. But then that’s not even the end - only halfway into the episode! Because after that you have Bullock and Alma kiss! And the passing of the Reverend and that gut-wrenching scene with Doc Cochran and the emotional turmoil with Al. Perfection!

I get pretty attached to characters that you start the show with, so it took me a while to get used to the newer ones - especially Cy and Joanie. And I think I missed the rambling Reverend up until the end of the show. But surprisingly someone who started as the most grating character of all - Calamity Jane - grew on me as the seasons progressed and by the time she leaves Deadwood and you don’t know if she’s coming back, I felt really sad.

I already downloaded Kings, but haven’t watched it yet; but I started watching Justified and while it’s not up to par with Deadwood - nothing really is! It’s pretty entertaining in it’s own right. Timothy Olyphant plays a similar character - just 150 years removed.


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