FNL 3x06

Nov 11, 2008 19:58

you know what, I understand they're thinking longevity and all but focusing on the new boy is irritating. tbh, I might have cared for him if he was introduced when the show started - he seems in more ways than one to be like Matt Saracen. but who cares! I want to see the characters I already do care about! hence the Matt/Julie storyline felt so beautiful - I couldn't keep from smiling. and also, as always, my eyes welled up in scenes with Street. can't believe he's gonna be in only 1 or 2 eps and then he's gone. at least I'm hoping what it means is that ge get to move to where his new beautiful family is. also, funny thing, when Lyla showed up in the middle of the ep - I was like whoa! totally forgot about her. didn't miss her a bit. weird, given that I used to - still do kinda - passionately ship Jason/Lyla. just goes to show you that Jason is it for me with this show. Riggs, yet again - wonderful comic relief at the beginning of the ep. but seriously couldn't care less for his relationship with Lyla. and sorry, but there's sth like too much Landry and this ep had many storylines that I wish where given more screen-time instead of watching Landry rock his guitar. and could introducing this new guitar chick be any more obvious!? so many things I love about this ep. so many felt forced and dull. furthermore, I'm finding myself intrigued by Tyra's storyline. I care as to what happens to her and I want her to come out strong from it. also, Julie looked so beautiful this ep!. esp. liked her hair - both at work and the-morning-after:)

friday night lights, 3x06

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